Why Do My Attacks Miss In Kotor 2

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Why Do My Attacks Miss In Kotor 2 When I started the game I hit almost every strike and missing was rare as can be Now since leaving the mining facility all my character seems to do is miss and rarely hit Anyone know

You haven t specified your feats but if you are missing two weapon fighting your attack to hit chance will be pretty low since dual wielding lowers your attack for both hands By leveling From the screens you have 14 12 attack and are in Enclave The highest DEF an enemy has on Dantooine is your level 23 Your base attack is equal to your level therefore you should hit

Why Do My Attacks Miss In Kotor 2


Why Do My Attacks Miss In Kotor 2


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Effectively the attack modifier is the chance to hit The higher it is the more you hit Your STR value is average at 14 and without max two weapon fighting your off hand is suffering a bit Whenever I battle in game it seems like almost every hit my character deals is a miss Is there something I m doing wrong here I dual wield pistols and swords but it seems even when I try

That tells you what to avoid so in terms of telling you affirmatively what to do take the following advice Until you get sufficient levels feats just use one weapon and use normal non feat To get a better idea of what I m talking about go into the logs during combat and take a look at the battle s progress as everybody makes attacks As KOTOR and KOTOR2 are

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If similar mercenaries use melee weapons you d only have main hand Attack your level 2 and need to roll 16 20 to hit giving you just 25 chance to hit 10 with Power Attack and 5 You ve grasped the hit chance correctly The attack modifier improves your hit chance though not damage If you have 8 it means 8 is added to whatever you roll up If you roll a

Your roll is your attack your opponent s roll is their defense and vice versa when they attack you If your roll is better than theirs you ll hit If not you ll miss I m still getting bodied by every single enemy missing every attack and going through about 10 medpacs during each fight Is the beginning supposed to be unbelievably difficult and I haven t


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Why Do My Attacks Miss In Kotor 2 - Effectively the attack modifier is the chance to hit The higher it is the more you hit Your STR value is average at 14 and without max two weapon fighting your off hand is suffering a bit