Kotor 2 Why Do I Keep Missing

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Kotor 2 Why Do I Keep Missing It s also a d20 based game so at low levels you ll miss about 40 of your attacks That will happen but it ll go away by the end of peragus And yeah like they

Dual wielding without 2 levels in it is the most common reason for missing attacks especially on Taris 1 level can get you by against normal mooks but Twitch is a bit The glitch that negates the penalties for double bladed weapons in KOTOR I isn t in KOTOR II so you can t dodge it that way Similarly if you re using

Kotor 2 Why Do I Keep Missing


Kotor 2 Why Do I Keep Missing


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Which being a consular means it s not much of a penalty Grab a couple of dark side powers next level up If you don t level up before the fight give your characters Depends on your weapon If you re using a sword or lightsaber strength helps to not miss and the dueling feats and other supporting feats What is your attack modifier Also duel

Don t try to wield two weapons until you have at least the second level of the feat AKA Improved Two Weapon Fighting With the base level of the feat you re still taking a 4 6 I m still getting bodied by every single enemy missing every attack and going through about 10 medpacs during each fight Is the beginning supposed to be unbelievably

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The easy way to figure this out is Attack a target go to the message screen in the menu and go to feedback go up to the last red entry it wil say something like this Guide part 11 When you walk out of the ship s dock on the planet s surface you are greeted by the port master He gives you a star port visa

Focus on one guard at a time until they are all put down After the battle pick up any dropped items heal yourself and use the lab table if necessary Speak to You ll want high strength Also look into dueling because it does affect unarmed It s not a huge bonus but any little bit you can take you ll need 3 BlakeSchur 4 yr ago Yeah


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Kotor 2 Why Do I Keep Missing - I m still getting bodied by every single enemy missing every attack and going through about 10 medpacs during each fight Is the beginning supposed to be unbelievably