Thief 2 Casing The Joint Walkthrough OM T2 Casing the Joint Thief Wiki Fandom Casing the Joint is thirteenth mission in Thief II The Metal Age Garrett must find the secret stairway to the third floor without getting in a confrontation with anyone in Lord Gervaisius mansion Contents 1Overview 2Objectives 3Walkthrough 4Loot List 5Secrets 6Easter Eggs 7Trivia Overview
The link to the whole playlist http www youtube view play list p 6F4B263A044174BDFull quality and detailed walkthrough of the PC game Thief 2 The M Thief 2 The Metal Age Guide Mission 13 Casing the Joint Objectives Normal Mission Walkthrough The absolute number of secrets in this level is staggering and without them beating
Thief 2 Casing The Joint Walkthrough
Thief 2 Casing The Joint Walkthrough
Thief 2 The Metal Age Full Walkthrough Mission 5 Eavesdropping Part 3 3 YouTube
Thief II Ghost ish Walkthrough OM 13 Casing The Joint YouTube
Thief 2 Full Playthrough Playlist https www youtube playlist list PLib fhfCM7h71QCnyCvnLCRW7QPdOVYfBWatch me on Twitch https www twitch tv verti The Unwelcome Guest Thief 2 Demo Walkthrough Level 1 Running Interference Walkthrough Loot Map Secrets and FAQ Page Level 2 Shipping and Receiving Walkthrough Loot Map Secrets and FAQ Page Level 3 Framed Walkthrough Loot Map Secrets and FAQ Page Level 4 Ambush Walkthrough Loot Map Secrets and FAQ Page Route Map
2023 Google LLC In the interrogation with Viktoria Brother Cavador reveals what kind of artifacts he had to find in the Lost City Garrett has an idea where he could get his 1 First Floor South 2 The Clock Mechanism 3 First Floor North 4 Second Floor North 5 Second Floor South 6 The Library The Correspondence 7 The Secret Door Getting Out Objectives Find and Operate the door to the secret staircase Find and read the correspondence from Karras to Gervaisius optional Map out at least one half of the mansion
More picture related to Thief 2 Casing The Joint Walkthrough
Thief 2 Casing The Joint level 13 1 17 normal YouTube
Thief 2 Casing The Joint level 13 1 11 normal YouTube
Thief 2 Tricks Casing The Joint Ghost Luring YouTube
Walkthrough Go here for the complete level walkthrough Loot Map Go here for a complete listing of all the loot locations Contents 1 Secrets Listing 1 1 1 Outside Secret Door to Chapel 1 2 2 First Floor Short Southern Passage 1 3 3 First Floor Room Under Main Stairs 1 4 4 First Floor Northern Passage CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH 2 1 MISSION 1 RUNNING INTERFERENCE 2 2 MISSION 2 SHIPPING
Thief 2 The Metal Age Guide Start tracking progress Casing the Joint The ghost that you encounter on Mission 11 Precious Cargo is the ghost of a pirate He doesn t appear unless you try Lytha s Thief 2 Collection FAQ Mission Casing The Joint This is an Q A FAQ for the Mission Casing the Joint in the game Thief II The Metal Age by Looking Glass Studios at Lytha Casing The Joint Q Where is the secret staircase A In the 2nd floor S find the secret passage
Thief 2 Casing The Joint level 13 1 48 normal YouTube
Thief 2 The Metal Age Full Walkthrough Mission 13 Casing The Joint Part 2 3 YouTube
Thief 2 Casing The Joint Walkthrough - 2023 Google LLC In the interrogation with Viktoria Brother Cavador reveals what kind of artifacts he had to find in the Lost City Garrett has an idea where he could get his