Star Trek Online The Vault Walkthrough 1Prelude 2Phase 1 Save Reman Defenders 3Phase 2 Vault Weavers 3 1Tips Strategy 4Phase 3 Endgame 5Rewards 5 1Detailed payout Prelude The team starts out east on the map for the Vault There will be a 50 seconds briefing phase to read the brief where you cannot move but can use abilities
After nearly 14 years the STO Academy closed its doors It has provided information and tools to the players of Star Trek Online for as long as the game has existed Rest assured the fleet still exists in game for anyone who wishes to get together with other players who want to have fun playing together 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 K Share 51K views 4 years ago Admiral T nae dispatches us to investigate the derelict Romulan facility known as the Vault that seems to have been brought back online
Star Trek Online The Vault Walkthrough
Star Trek Online The Vault Walkthrough
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Description Star Trek Online Walkthrough 34 The Vault WarStrider 1 Likes 2015 Apr 9 Our very fist shuttle mission and hopefully not last also a introduction to based Obisek and his In this Star Trek Online episode I will be playing the Vault mission which takes us deep into the Tal Shiar Vault to to look for cluse Sethtopia Discord h
The Vault is a starbase located in the Haakona System It was used by the Romulan Star Empire to research Borg technology Following the destruction of Romulus in 2387 the Borg technology at the Vault was used to retrofit the mining vessel Narada and turn it into a near invincible dreadnought The Vault was abandoned shortly afterward In 2409 it is home to the Reman Resistance led by A complete walkthrough to the Vault Shuttle Event Fleet Action in Star Trek Online
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S02E01 Star Trek Online walkthrough of the first Cloaked Intentions mission The Vault 0 Current Favorites Walkthrough of the Vault Ensnared scenario Included are tips and trips for successfully completing the mission I cut repetitive parts of the mission for a shorter video it is approximately a 15 minute mission This time I am using my Multi Vector Advanced Escort sporting a trial Plasma build with cannons and turrets
Walkthrough There is no walkthrough for this mission yet You can help STOWiki by writing it here Reward Payout Successful completion of the mission will award at least one crate containing 5 Fleet Marks plus an allotment of Marks of the player s choice in a quantity determined by specific objectives in each phase Defeating the Tholian flagship will award an additional crate upon Feel free to leave your comments Share and leave your like if you like Do not click on this link https bit ly 3qAsh1X Walkthrough mission
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Star Trek Online The Vault Walkthrough - Star Trek Online Walkthrough The Vault Romulan Missions Episode 9 With Commentary Retro Badger Gaming 10K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 1 5K views 9 months ago If you enjoyed the