Return To Ravenhearst Walkthrough Telephone Puzzle

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Return To Ravenhearst Walkthrough Telephone Puzzle Telephone Puzzle Mystery Case Files Return to Ravenhearst jasonjoh 208 subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 120 186K views 15 years ago Telephone Puzzle Mystery Case Files Return to Ravenhearst

Our Mystery Case Files Return to Ravenhearst Walkthrough will walk you through the spectral halls of Ravenhearst Manor with video solutions to mini games detailed instructions and guides to solving even the most challenging puzzles including the Intercom Puzzle Garden Gate Puzzle Graveyard Puzzle Middle Door Puzzle Telephone Puzzle and m CHAPTER 1 OPENING SCENE Click on the bushes that are on the left side look for the list of hidden objects WRENCH Inventory Items Pick up the wrench that is on the top right side of the scene it

Return To Ravenhearst Walkthrough Telephone Puzzle


Return To Ravenhearst Walkthrough Telephone Puzzle


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MYSTERY CASE FILES RETURN TO RAVENHEARST No Hints Used Solving The Elevator Puzzle YouTube

Look for more sparkles Sometimes completing something in one area opens up more stuff in other areas If you cannot solve a particular puzzle you may bypass it by clicking on your type writer A detailed walkthrough of Return to Ravenhearst Clarification of some puzzles and general guide on how to proceed Award Favorite Share Created by Dephite In Game NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst Chapter One The Innocent Part of the House You need to look at the metal plating to add the inscryption to your book

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Mystery Case Files Return To Ravenhearst Walkthrough Part 1 YouTube


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Amazon Mystery Case Files Return To Ravenhearst Full Appstore For Android

Once you find the brick go towards your right 2 times On the first right you will pass the scene in which you saw the door In the next scene you will come across a window Click on your TELEPHONE NUMBER Go to the second floor of the toy store click on the telephone that is on the back wall left side and a pop up window will appear Click on the hook that is on the side of

1 2 3 4 5 Rating 4 6 5 318 votes Platform Mac Windows Categories adventure bigfishgames casual demo download game hiddenobject hybrid mac mysterycasefiles pointandclick puzzle rating g windows Comments 841 Views 50 254 Mystery Case Files Return to Ravenhearst has arrived Place the LED DISPLAY and KEYPAD CODE for a puzzle P Solution 6471 Return to Ravenhearst Q Chapter 2 Return to Ravenhearst Take the SOLVENT R look at the note Select the wood pile twice S for a HOP play it to get the PUNCH CARD HOP solutions one 1 2 3 T HOP and two U Take the FEATHERS 1 3 V


Mystery Case Files Return To Ravenhearst Tips Mertqpath


Mystery Case File Return To Ravenhearst Walkthrough Part 1 Of 6 YouTube

Return To Ravenhearst Walkthrough Telephone Puzzle - 9K views 14 years ago Front Gate Wrench Intercom puzzle Part 1 Return to Ravenhearst walkthrough from www gatorgamez Find the inventory item Wrench complete the intercom puzzle