Portal 2 Aperture Science Walkthrough Portal 2 Walkthrough Chapter 6 The Fall Old Aperture Science Foyer Let s Play 1080p HD Culveyhouse 56 3K subscribers Join Subscribe Subscribed 414 Share 83K views 12 years ago
Enter slowly walk over metal structure take the left corner stop on wooden plank Drop off towards the white blocks below fling through with a second portal Hurl through the portals smash nose against the Aperture Science logo or land right above it Quickload GOTO 10 How am I supposed to set up this jump portal 2 Share Walkthrough Chapter 6 The Fall Part 2 Door Prize Achievement Trophy In Chapter 6 The Fall there are six sealed metal doors marked VITRIFIED Vitrified Doors that have buttons in front
Portal 2 Aperture Science Walkthrough
Portal 2 Aperture Science Walkthrough
Walkthrough HD Portal 2 Chapter 6 Old Aperture Entrance YouTube
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Floor 2 Start by moving forward to the portal gun stand The ground will break below you causing you to fall into the waters below Move forward up the short stair case to gain the blue Walkthrough Wait until you ve fallen to the bottom and regained consciousness and then walk to the left side of the fire Go forwards between the two walls and turn left and go to the end of the corridor Go to the right and fire a portal to the white wall and the other one to the lighted wall higher up near the 09 numbers
Welcome to the Portal 2 wiki guide advertisement It turns out that Aperture Science s greatest creation the Portal Gun survived the events of Portal which left the Aperture labs in rubble 6Music Contents Mechanics Circuit Breaker Door push bar gateway Catwalk old Flinging Hazards Goo Characters Chell Cave Johnson Caroline Locations Pump Station Alpha Objective Go through Old Aperture and plug GLaDOS in Chell s portal gun Walkthrough Go through the door and turn left Go to the end of the catwalk and go left again
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Preview how to complete Aperture Science achievement Gold Medals00 00 Portals Chamber 1300 48 Portals Chamber 1401 26 Portals Chamber 1503 04 Updated May 16 2016 Aperture Science Enrichment Center is the 7th Main Story Level in the game It takes place in the world of Portal 2 and becomes available after completing the Once Upon
A complete guide to Portal 2 covering gameplay basics background all objects and game mechanics a full walkthrough of both the single and multi player campaigns secrets and help for getting all achievements 3 Award Favorite Share About This Guide THIS GUIDE INCLUDING THE TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTAINS SPOILERS Welcome back to Aperture Science a world where your Companion Cube isn t you re only company Take control of Chell once again in Valve s sequel which takes you on an humorous and puzzling adventure and in our detail packed guide we ll show you How to solve every test chamber first time Conquer every co op chamber with a friend
A Map I Made Of Aperture In 2008 R Portal
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Portal 2 Aperture Science Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wait until you ve fallen to the bottom and regained consciousness and then walk to the left side of the fire Go forwards between the two walls and turn left and go to the end of the corridor Go to the right and fire a portal to the white wall and the other one to the lighted wall higher up near the 09 numbers