Pokemon Y Walkthrough Part 16

Pokemon Y Walkthrough Part 16 Pokemon Y Walkthrough Part 16 Cyllage Gym Pokemon Y Gameplay Proxence 38 3K subscribers Join Subscribe 7 919 views 6 years ago Pokemon Y Walkthrough Episode 16 Cyllage Gym

Pok mon X and Y Let s Play HD Gameplay Walkthrough Part 16 The road to the 3rd Gym begins but we quickly run into some unexpected trouble with Team Flare i Part 16 Vaniville Town Lumiose City Kiloude City Friend Safari Battle Maison Upgrading the Mega Ring Looker Bureau Part 17 Sea Spirit s Den Unknown Dungeon Terminus Cave This article is part of Project Walkthroughs a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step by step guides on each Pok mon game Categories Walkthroughs

Pokemon Y Walkthrough Part 16


Pokemon Y Walkthrough Part 16


Pok mon Y Walkthrough Part 1 YouTube


Dynamisch Ablassen Fluss Pokemon X Route 17 Antibiotika Umfassend Nach Au en

Here you find a Black Belt whose Pok Balls were just stolen Looker arrives and the victim says that the thief ran off toward South Boulevard There is only one alley here near Restaurant Le Nah this time the thief is disguised as a young lady After battle the thief transforms again Use your Dowsing Machine and walk up the stairs of the ruined building near the north entrance of Route 16 You will find a hidden Max Revive in the corner South of the ruined house you can talk to the girl on the hill to have a Sky Battle with her She is Sky Trainer Clara and she has a level 38 Emolga and a level 40 Swellow

Route 7 or Rivi re Walk is the single longest road in Kalos and runs alongside one of its largest rivers The path links Camphrier Town and Connecting Cave while Route 6 branches off to the north Landmarks include the Berry fields Pok mon Day Care and Battle Chateau Available Pok mon Pok mon X and Y Walkthrough Part 16 Reflection Cave SLTE 3ds Part 15 Geosenge Town and Route 11 Main Walkthrough Reflection Cave Pok mon Carbink Rare Walking Carbink Horde Rare Chingling Rare Walking Ferroseed Rare Ceiling Drop Mime Jr Horde Common Mr Mime Uncommon Walking Roggenrola Uncommon Walking

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Pokemon Y Walkthrough Gameplay W Ardy Part 2 A SHINY YouTube

Description Pok mon Y Walkthrough Part 1 Gameplay Story English HD 720 Nintendo 3DS No Commentary http goo gl nnjx9gPlaylist http goo gl 5j98Hf Go back into the deep snow Go south and look for some rocks to the south Press A to smash them out of the way then go south to find another rock Press A to get rid of that one then press B to get off of the Mamoswine Follow the path to the west then at the fork in the road go left to find a Calcium Go back to the Mamoswine and hop on

Right after the first patch of grass your Rival Serena or Calem teaches you how to catch a Pok mon which you may have already done Unless you need help on using your first Pok ball tap A to bypass their prate and receive 10 Pok balls Proceed north to battle Youngster Austin before hiking through Santalune Forest Clemont leads with his Emolga an Electric Flying Pok mon that only fears Rock and Ice moves Its Volt Switch move lets it hit and run so be careful His Magneton can be a hassle due to its Sturdy Ability and its Mirror Shot allows it to harass Rock types Use Fighting or Fire attacks to take it down


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