Sims 3 Terracotta Army Tomb Walkthrough

Sims 3 Terracotta Army Tomb Walkthrough You can use the teleport cheat or Dive and say yes to the tunnel question Break the dig site take the keystone and insert it to go through the door Go downstairs If you see the tomb right the combination of the switches in the next room is left left right left

Arriving in China The Tombs of Shang Simla The Tombs are basically the dungeons ala dungeon crawls for The Sims series and each presents a number of basic puzzles hidden doors traps and potential death by Mummy attack but also treasure Relics Ancient Coins and other goodies Deep in the tomb underneath the Terracotta Army Kevin searches for the keys that will help him obtain the Symbol of the First Emperor With zombies on his trail Kevin searches but a

Sims 3 Terracotta Army Tomb Walkthrough


Sims 3 Terracotta Army Tomb Walkthrough


Terracotta Army


Terracotta Army Soldiers Tomb Xian China Editorial Image Image Of Sculpture Grave 195660255

Walk through either one Dive into the pool and swim through to find yourself in a bright room full of rocks and holes in the wall Inspect them all to disable the traps around the room and nab This is for the expansion pack of World Adventures which is basically allowing your little people to head on over to exotic locales such as Egypt China and France and explore the area

Go through the door There s a wall trap to the right which you can disarm manually and then inspect the hole to disable another wall trap Make your way through this room inspecting holes and John travels to the tomb and enters via the stairs below the terracotta army statues A small room below contains a few decorative items and a keystone on t

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Clear the rubble in one corner of the room then step on the slab underneath to reveal a secret door behind you It also reveals a hole in the wall near the locked door Inspect the hole and the Follow the green path to avoid traps solve all the puzzles on the level and you will open up a couple of staircases to the level below and get the key to the locked door There s a secret entrance to the room with the chest Or you can zeneport but you ll miss a lot of treasure that way p acidsugar

For instance if you needed help with the Tomb of Discovery then hopefully you should be able to hit ctrl F and type in Tomb of Discovery minus the quotes to find it I tried to copy as Remember to get your martial arts skill up to at least level five so you can complete some of the missions faster and so you don t look like this o O For the China adventures I decided I will only do walkthroughs for the actual tombs not for all the little missions in between I had way too many snapshots cluttering up the folder


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