Pokemon Fire Red Strategy Guide

Pokemon Fire Red Strategy Guide Pok mon FireRed and Pok mon LeafGreen are remakes of the original Game Boy Pok mon games Pok mon Red and Pok mon Green respectively The games are compatible with Pok mon Ruby and Sapphire and Pok mon Emerald but are not compatible with Pok mon Gold and Silver or earlier games

This is an in depth walkthrough for Pok mon FireRed and LeafGreen for the Game Boy Advance These pages detail the remade iteration not Pok mon Red and Blue The guide for those games can be found here Pok mon FireRed and LeafGreen Route 1 Resume your journey north to Viridian City You can t capture new Pok mon just yet but you can take this opportunity to build your Pok mon s experience levels If your Pok mon enters too difficult a battle use the Run command to escape

Pokemon Fire Red Strategy Guide


Pokemon Fire Red Strategy Guide


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Our walkthrough for Pok mon Leaf Green and Fire Red will take you through each route gym and badge in order guiding you through the entire map of Kanto By following this walkthrough you Browse through our complete strategy guide for Pok mon FireRed LeafGreen the 2004 remakes of the original Gen I Pok mon games for GBC We have content on game mechanics item locations plus a full walkthrough

This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for Pok mon FireRed and LeafGreen These pages follow the remade Game Boy Advance iteration not Pok mon Red and Blue The guide for those games can be found here Contents 1 Introduction 2 Pallet Town 2 1 Home 2 1 1 2F 2 1 2 1F 2 2 Oak Appears 2 3 Professor Oak s Lab 2 3 1 Rival Battle 1 POKEMON FIRE RED AND LEAF GREEN WALKTHROUGH This walkthrough will guide you through Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen in terms of gameplay there is a very small storyline difference between the two versions

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In each area this walkthrough will list the encounter ratios for each Pokemon and any differences in versions Pokemon in LeafGreen will have a icon next to them and Pokemon in FireRed will have a icon next to them So here are the encounters ratios for Route 1 A Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green walkthrough that will take you from your humble beginnings to the final battle Every trainer battle is detailed and every Item found

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Pokemon Fire Red Strategy Guide - Browse through our complete strategy guide for Pok mon FireRed LeafGreen the 2004 remakes of the original Gen I Pok mon games for GBC We have content on game mechanics item locations plus a full walkthrough