Assassin S Creed Origins A Gift From The Gods Walkthrough

Assassin S Creed Origins A Gift From The Gods Walkthrough Objective Solve the Sundial puzzle Have a glance at the sundial on the wall you ll notice that there is a large obelisk at the top of the mural with a series of squares laid out in a

A Gift From The Gods Walkthrough When you arrive at the location for the A Gift from the Gods quest you will witness a meteor falling from the sky Head towards the impact location and you will discover that the falling rock has revealed an entrance in a nearby tomb Head inside and you ll be met with a large wall February 5 2020 10 00 AM 0 As part of a crossover with Final Fantasy XV Assassin s Creed Origins has a new side quest called A Gift from the Gods As part of this special mission you will

Assassin S Creed Origins A Gift From The Gods Walkthrough


Assassin S Creed Origins A Gift From The Gods Walkthrough


Assassin s Creed Origins Sundial Puzzle A Gift From The Gods Shacknews


Assassin s Creed Origins A Gift From The Gods YouTube

How to Solve Sundial Puzzle As you get to the quest mark on the map you ll see something that will guide you towards your first objective Reach the crash site At the crash site you ll spot a fallen star and a newly revealed entrance to the nearby tomb Head inside and explore the tomb This is where you ll get your sundial A Gift from the Gods was a virtual representation of one of Bayek s genetic memories relived by Layla Hassan through the Portable Animus HR 8 Bayek witnesses a rock falling from the sky and decides to investigate the crash site While standing on one of the cliffs Bayek saw a meteorite crashing into the ground in front of the Meidum Pyramid Bayek By all the gods Have they sent a message

Gift From the Gods is a new quest in AC Origins It s part of the collaboration with Final Fantasy XV and when you complete it you ll get a sword a shield By PlayStation Fanatic 23rd December 2017 A Gift from the Gods is a new quest added with the recent December update to Assassin s Creed Origins In this quest Bayek has to investigate a mysterious fireball or meteor that has fallen from the sky and opened up a hidden entrance to a mysterious tomb A Gift from the Gods quest can be found in

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Assassins Creed Origins Sun Dial Puzzle


Assassin s Creed Origins A Gift From The Gods Quest Guide PlayStation Fanatic

Guide mission walkthrough in full HD of A Gift from the Gods Assassin s Creed Origins Side Quest with Full 100 Synchronization AC Origins Side quests P Twitter https twitter xTGE YoutubeTwitch https www twitch tv xTGEXbox Gamertag xTGEPlaystation ID xXTheGamingEliteSteam ID xTGE1

Use the change time ability to make sure it s dawn and several of the pillars will open Hit the center pillar the one opposite the largest spire 3 times with your bow Once you have completed the Sun Dial Puzzle the wall vanishes and you can enter the tomb For more information on this check out our A Gift from the Gods guide A Gift from the Gods Suggested level 23 How to unlock Approach the place marked on the map Rewards 1500 XP a legendary mount shield and sword When you are near the mountains in Saqqara Nome your character will notice a falling meteorite This unlocks a new quest


Assassin s Creed Origins How To Complete The Gift From The Gods Quest


Assassins Creed Origins A Gift From The Gods Walkthrough YouTube

Assassin S Creed Origins A Gift From The Gods Walkthrough - The Walkthrough for A Gift from The Gods Quest in Assassin s Creed Origins Reminder A long as the numbers you shoot on the sund