Pokemon Emerald 5th Gym Walkthrough

Pokemon Emerald 5th Gym Walkthrough Pok mon Ruby Sapphire and Emerald Walkthrough Petalburg Gym This page is for the original Game Boy Advance versions of Ruby Sapphire and Emerald For the Nintendo 3DS remakes visit Thonky s Pok mon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Walkthrough Lavaridge Gym Hoenn Route 118 Petalburg Gym

Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough 17 5th Gym YouTube http www youtube user theoverratedgamer http www youtube user THEOWNAGE92Hello there youtubein this video we challenge Our Walkthrough for Pok mon Emerald Sapphire Ruby is written in chronological order taking you through the entire map of Hoenn By following this walkthrough you will battle every trainer

Pokemon Emerald 5th Gym Walkthrough


Pokemon Emerald 5th Gym Walkthrough


Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough Part 18 Gym Leader Norman YouTube


Pokemon Emerald 386 Walkthrough Olporsb

0 00 20 30 Fast Pok mon Emerald Part 5 5th Gym and Weather Institute HappyGoLukey 311 subscribers Subscribe Share 5 8K views 8 years ago Some parts of the walkthrough such as trainer Main Storyline Part 1 Littleroot Town Route 101 Oldale Town Route 103 Route 102 Petalburg City Part 2 Route 104 south Petalburg Woods Route 104 north Rustboro City Route 116 Rusturf Tunnel Part 3 Dewford Town Route 106 Granite Cave Route 109 Slateport City Part 4 Route 110 Trick House Route 103

Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Emerald Walkthrough Petalburg City Petalburg Woods Route 104 First Gym Petalburg City unlike the previous city has a gym You won t be able to battle here though since this is supposed to be the fifth gym and you need to visit the first four gyms to get the first four badges before coming here From StrategyWiki the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki Pok mon Ruby and Sapphire Pok mon Ruby and Sapphire Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough Pok dex Petalburg City Gym Gym Leader Norman Gym 5 Normal Type Badge Balance Badge This Gym s specialty is Normal Pok mon

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Pokemon Emerald Ep5 Part 1of2 Mauville Gym YouTube


Pokemon Emerald 5th Gym YouTube


Pok mon Emerald 5th Gym Part 1 YouTube

1 In the games 1 1 Appearance 1 2 Trainers 1 2 1 Pok mon Ruby and Sapphire 1 2 2 Pok mon Emerald 1 2 2 1 First rematch 1 2 2 2 Second rematch 1 2 2 3 Third rematch 1 2 2 4 Fourth rematch onwards 1 2 3 Pok mon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire 1 3 Items 2 In the spin off games 2 1 Pok mon Masters EX 3 In the anime 3 1 Pok mon used in the Gym The Mauville Gym specializes in Electric type Pok mon While most Pok mon of this type are only vulnerable to Ground type attacks the other Pok mon inside make Fire and Fighting moves useful as well Keep your Water and Flying type Pok mon on the sidelines for now The Gym features several electrical barriers which can be turned on and off by stepping on thunderbolt shaped switches

Fortree City Gym Once again the gym is filled with switch doorways but the puzzle is not that difficult Note you may have to go through a set of switch doorways more than once in order to progress Mossdeep City Gym Take Pad 1 and activate the Green Switch so that it moves the statues and clears the path Best answer Go west from mauville city using surf to the other side of route 118 then head north to route 119 head for Fortree City If your not ready I would go back to all the places you could surf at and other HM spots you haven t done yet Petalburg City


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What Is The Next Step After Beating The 5th Gym Leader In Pokemon Emerald Proquestyamaha web

Pokemon Emerald 5th Gym Walkthrough - Up above there are a couple of gates that you have to walk through multiple times before you can reach the next trainer First go up the left path and push the gate upward Then go up left and down so that you can push the same gate to the right After that walk to the gate on the right and push it to the right