Borderlands 2 Walkthrough Take Matchstick To Freighter Walkthrough Playthrough of the game Borderlands 2 If you enjoyed watching leave a like and or a favorite It really helps me out a lot PSN XxKrazy Joker
Open outhouse beside Incinerator Clayton Pick up Matchstick the midget cult member Take Matchstick to freighter Place Matchstick in Dragon s mouth Activate Dragon s fire Burn Cult Following Lighting the Match 00 00 Open outhouse 00 34 Pick up Matchstick 01 00 Take Matchstick to freighter 07 04 Place Matchstick in dragon s mouth 07 21 Activate dragon s fire
Borderlands 2 Walkthrough Take Matchstick To Freighter
Borderlands 2 Walkthrough Take Matchstick To Freighter
Borderlands 2 Walkthrough Part 31 Matchstick YouTube
Borderlands 2 Limited Edition Strategy Guide
Incinerator Clayton wants you to take a mass murdering midget named Matchstick to the freighter in Southern Shelf put him in the mouth of the mechanized dragon head at the ship s prow and then burn him alive Cult Following Lighting the Match Open the nearby portalet then pick up the midget called Matchstick Return to the entrance of the canyon then use the fast travel station there to Southern Shelf Head to the freighter and fight your way
Open outhouse and pick up Matchstick Take Matchstick to freighter Place Matchstick in dragon s mouth Activate dragon s fire and burn Matchstick TURN IN Incinerator Clayton Rewards Green Sniper Rifle You can find matchstick in the out house next to Clayton s home Open the outhouse and pick the little cultist Go to the fast travel station near Frostburn Canyon s entrance and transport yourself to the Southern Shelf
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Take Matchstick to freighter is an objective in the sidequest Cult Following Lighting the Match in Borderlands 2 Walkthrough Head over to the Fast Travel Station and You need to take Matchstick to the same place where you fought Captain Flynt Go to his ship right on top where you actually killed him and go to the right and place
What do I do Bungle 8 years ago 2 Remember earlier in the game you ascended the large ship there to fight Captain Flynt The area is right up there opposite side of where you fought Incinerator Clayton offers his next task To carry Matchstick to the freighter moored in Southern Shelf and incinerate him This involves retracing steps thr
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Borderlands 2 Walkthrough Take Matchstick To Freighter - Bugged Cult Following At the Lighting the Match mission I can t go any further than taking Match Stick to the Freighter No objective markers pop up or instructions Can this be