Please Don T Touch Anything 3d Walkthrough

Please Don T Touch Anything 3d Walkthrough 1 Do nothing till the friend comes back Wait till the music starts up after he stops talking to reset or it won t count it 2 Press the red button 20 times to shut off the power 3 Press the red button once Press the switch Press the red button again

Please Don t Touch Anything 3D VR All 30 Endings Full Guide Walkthrough no commentary https www patreon LetsSTFUandPlay00 00 Intro Ending 201 1 Walkthrough Please Don t Touch Anything 3D All 30 endingsPlease Don t Touch Anything is a cryptic brain racking button pushing puzzle game Covering for a

Please Don T Touch Anything 3d Walkthrough


Please Don T Touch Anything 3d Walkthrough


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Please Don t Touch Anything Videos GameSpot

Press the red button 1 guide Press the red button again to reveal a 3 button panel Enter the code 312213 in the new panel to reveal a lever Pull the lever to the left to reveal a ten digit YOU CAN USE THIS GAMEPLAY IN YOUR VIDEOS FOR FREE IF YOU PUT THE LINK TO MY CHANNEL IN DESCRIPTION OF YOUR VIDEOIf you want to support the channel you can

Please Don t Touch Anything 3D Please Don t Touch Anything is a cryptic brain racking button pushing puzzle game Covering for a colleague taking a bathroom break you find yourself in front of a mysterious console with a green screen monitor showing a pixelated live image of an unknown city Also present is an ominous red button with the simple instruction to not touch anything 1 Peace Ending Egrophobia Achievement Simply just sit and do nothing for one minute The guy will come back and thank you for waiting and not touching anything For the achievement wait for 3 minutes after the guy leaves again In other words DO NOT hit the restart button untill you get the achievement

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Please Don t Touch Anything 3D VR All 30 Endings Full Guide Walkthrough no Commentary

Welcome to the TA walkthrough for Please Don t Touch Anything a cryptic brain racking button pushing puzzle game developed by Four Quarters and published by ForewardXP Covering for a Please Don t Touch Anything 3D VR All 30 Endings Full Guide Walkthrough no commentary Please Don t Touch Anything 3D l All Endings Please Don t Touc

Achievement Perfectionist tips 1 you can make mouse clicks as many clicks as you want only buttons game count 2 the screen is a button so in the airplane game it means 1 click 1 piece of the building had be destroyed watch out Ending 1 Peaceful When you begin the game the guy tells you to look after the monitor for him Be patient and wait until he returns without touching anything to complete the first ending As a side note if you wait a further three minutes before touching anything you ll get the Ergophobia achievement


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Please Don t Touch Anything 3D All Endings Walkthrough YouTube

Please Don T Touch Anything 3d Walkthrough - Here is some puzzle cryptographic game we named The Second Thought And Please Don t Touch Anything We were arguing about name for a long time and didn t come to an agreement The game has eleven endings and it counts as complete only if you managed to discover every one of them And you get something special each time you find one