Pillars Of Eternity 2 Fort Deadlight Walkthrough

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Pillars Of Eternity 2 Fort Deadlight Walkthrough Pillars of Eternity 2 Video Based Walkthrough by David Milward I emerge at the stairs at 16 on the map of the Court of Fort Deadlight I use the lever at 17 to open the door at 18 I speak to Lamond again at 13 He opens the door at 11 But he also has a proposition for me He wants me to first clear out the Guards at the Secret Dock

Fort Deadlight EVIL NOTEs I must note at the outset that the evil party intends to avoid any dialogue options that could increase their reputation with the Principi The reason being that I want the Principi to become hostile towards me enough so that an elite Principi ship will attack me so that I can loot a specific item from it Pillars of Eternity 2 Video Based Walkthrough by David Milward The evil party sails southwest from Neketaka and enters a storm near Fort Deadlight at 4 I raise Rekke s weapon Lord Darryn s Voulge to the storm That leads to its next Soulbound upgrade Static Thunder Static Charges that detonate after a Critical Hit will now also

Pillars Of Eternity 2 Fort Deadlight Walkthrough


Pillars Of Eternity 2 Fort Deadlight Walkthrough


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Fort Deadlight Fort Deadlight Pillars Of Eternity 2 Online Walkthrough By David Milward

24 8 Next Fort Deadlight Quests Blow the Man Down Prev Poko Kohara Ruins Side quests The Storms of Poko Kohara Key points of Pillars of Eternity 2 Deadfire M34 Fort Deadlight Important areas on the map Passageways to other parts of the fort Exits from locations Locked doors or chests Traps Important NPC s quest givers traders etc Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 until the last part will include the full Gameplay on PC WOW Battle for Azeroth is recorded in 1080p HD 60 FPS on the PC and will

Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire Game Guide Maps Vilario s Rest Engwithan Digsite Neketaka Queen s Berth Neketaka The Gullet Neketaka Periki s Overlook Neketaka Serpent s Crown Neketaka The Sacred Stair Neketaka The Brass Citadel Poko Kohara Ruins Ori o Ko ki Motare o K zi Bekarna s Observatory Splintered Reef Oathbinder s Sanctum Pillars of Eternity 2 POTD Walkthrough E16 Fort Deadlight Kalive 285 subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 18 1 4K views 5 years ago In this episode we go to Fort Deadlight and attempt

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World Map Pillars Of Eternity 2 Online Walkthrough By David Milward Sorcerer s Place


Pillars Of Eternity 2 POTD Walkthrough E16 Fort Deadlight YouTube


Fort Deadlight Pillars Of Eternity II Deadfire Map

If you took Blow the Man Down quest you have three options on how to get here in one piece the smartest approach raise the Principi flag over your ship and infiltrate into the local community the sneakiest approach mooring your ship at the backdoor during nighttime then trying not to get into the guards sight or just a brute force attack I am now at 19 on the map of Fort Deadlight I make my way east along the ramparts A Pet cat named Ludde is at 17 I go through the door at 16 I go down the stairs from 5 and then leave Fort Deadlight through the gate at 1 I briefly switch Xoti back in I equip her with a Fine Leather Armor that I had found earlier

Honor Among Thieves is a Quest in Pillars of Eternity 2 Speak with Aeldys at Fort Deadlight Walkthrough This quest has two routes help Furrante to eliminate Aeldys a potential leader of the Deadfire pirates and use her knowledge to seize the Floating Hangman a mysterious ship Or you can help captain Aeldys to take over Episode 86 of Let s Play Pillars of Eternity 2 Deadfire is here We being our thorough exploration of Fort Deadlight and meet with Serafen s old muse Enjoy


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Pillars Of Eternity 2 Deadlight Party Boards O Magick The Stuff Of Legends Right Boo

Pillars Of Eternity 2 Fort Deadlight Walkthrough - Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 until the last part will include the full Gameplay on PC WOW Battle for Azeroth is recorded in 1080p HD 60 FPS on the PC and will