Minding Your Own Business Walkthrough Hogwarts Legacy How to complete Minding Your Own Business quest in Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough Head to Hogsmeade and find the House Elf Penny standing outside the shop on the village s eastern side Speak to her and she will inform you that Cassandra Mason is selling the shop and informs you to speak to her if you wish to purchase it You will need 1 500 Galleons to purchase the shop from Cassandra
Updated Jan 26 2024 Minding Your Own Business is a Side Quest you can complete in Hogsmeade Village In this spooky adventure players will uncover sinister secrets that lie beneath a mysterious Minding Your Own Business is a Side Quest in Hogwarts Legacy This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Minding Your Own Business side mission This is a PlayStation exclusive quest it s not available on other platforms Location Hogsmeade Quest Giver Penny Quest Level Level 25 Requirement Having Finished Main Quest Fire and Vice PlayStation Exclusive Quest
Minding Your Own Business Walkthrough Hogwarts Legacy
Minding Your Own Business Walkthrough Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough Minding Your Own Business 052 Game Of Guides
Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough Minding Your Own Business 003 Game Of Guides
Go through it and you ll be in a hallway full of doors and a ghost passes by and closes them all Head to the end of the hallway and enter the room More mannequins here What you want to do is to Minding your Own Business is both a fun and highly rewarding side quest in Hogwarts Legacy Completing this quest will allow players to purchase and run their own shop in the title s wizarding world
Speak with her and you ll begin the Minding Your Own Business Side Quest Penny will direct you to speak to her mistress Cassandra Mason who lives on the outskirts of town Speak with her and she ll offer you the chance to purchase your very own shop for the small price of 1 500 Gold Minding Your Own Business is the PlayStation exclusive Haunted Hogsmeade Shop side quest in Hogwarts Legacy Read on for a detailed walkthrough and learn how to explore what lies below as well as how to unlock and complete this side quest
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Hogwarts Legacy Minding Your Own Business Quest Deltia s Gaming
Minding Your Own Business Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough Business Aeon
How to complete Minding Your Own Business side quest in Hogwarts Legacy 00 00 Speak with shopkeepers03 00 Explore what lies below04 47 Explore the library11 Minding Your Own Business is a quest in Hogwarts Legacy available only for PS4 and PS5 users Our guide shows how to explore the library and atrium of the haunted house Moreover we supply solutions for the lantern puzzles and explain how to defeat Fastidio The final part of the page is a description of a battle against Cassandra Mason
Minding Your Own Business is a Side Quest in Hogwarts Legacy Side Quests are not required to advance in the main story of the game but still completing these Quests can be useful to obtain Rewards for completing them These quests sometimes serve as tutorials for new activities and may contain some Lore or background of the Harry Potter Universe Walkthrough Menu Minding Your Own Business is an optional quest in Hogwarts Legacy You hear a house elf in Hogsmeade announcing that there is a vacant shop for sale Are you interested in owning your own shop This quest is a bit of a time commitment and a bit of a tone change from other side quests it s definitely one of the longest in
Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough Minding Your Own Business 054 Game Of Guides
Hogwarts Legacy Minding Your Own Business Walkthrough Pro Game Guides
Minding Your Own Business Walkthrough Hogwarts Legacy - Hogwarts Legacy Minding Your Own Business Side Quest Full WalkthroughSpeak With The House Elf Outside The Vacant Shop In Hogsmeade 0 00Speak With The Cassand