Harry Potter Year 3 Lego Walkthrough Create a chain mechanism from the bricks use the Strengthening Potion and pull it 1 After the second car is attached go inside Follow the woman selling candy Give a lollipop to the first passenger WL 2 Do the same with the second passenger give her a lollipop WL
1K 138K views 5 years ago HarryPotter LEGOHarryPotter ProductProvidedByWB Gameplay of LEGO Harry Potter Collection Years 1 4 Year 3 Full Game Walkthrough of the Story Mode on Updated Jan 13 2020 Harry Potter and his friends will have many adventures as they attend Hogwarts the school for witches and wizards in training You can play alone or with a friend but
Harry Potter Year 3 Lego Walkthrough
Harry Potter Year 3 Lego Walkthrough
LEGO Reveals 6 New Harry Potter Sets Coming This August Cinelinx Movies Games Geek Culture
19 Walkthrough Lego Harry Potter Year 3 Part 3 4K 60fps YouTube
The LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 walkthrough contains full guides on how to complete each and every story mission that take place throughout Harry and his A1 Lower luggage to left Talk to student Move luggage out of the way Get book and talk to student REP door to get sweet Use REV in 2nd compartment to get sweet Use PET in 3rd compartment to
This video is a complete walkthrough of LEGO Harry Potter for Nintendo Switch PlayStation 4 Xbox One and PC This includes all Year 3 levels from both the 1 1 Next Walkthrough Year 4 p 1 Prev Walkthrough Year 3 p 1 Mischief Managed Use the small torch WL held by the statue on the left on the Devil s Snare which are holding the key 1 Take some bricks out of the wardrobe on the right and assemble an armour from it WL 2 It will be holding a chest use magic on it to get the second key
More picture related to Harry Potter Year 3 Lego Walkthrough
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Follow me on Twitter for updates https twitter lizerikseriesA Full Game 100 Longplay Walkthrough of LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 Remastered where I s Guide and Walkthrough PS3 by CyricZ Version Final Updated 02 06 2023 FAQ of the Month Winner July 2010 Hi folks CyricZ here and it s 2023 A lot of stuff has happened in the last several
1 This guide to LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 contains a complete set of information that each young magician needs in order to finish the game in 100 TABLE OF CONTENTS Spell list Story levels Year One The Magic Begins Out of the Dungeon A Jinxed Broom The Restricted Section The Forbidden Forest Face of the Enemy Year Two Floo Powder Dobby s
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Harry Potter Year 3 Lego Walkthrough - This is the 8th part of my LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 walkthrough This video contains one level from Year 3 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban