Mass Effect Legendary Edition How Long Completing the first Mass Effect game can take anywhere from 18 to 30 hours approximately depending on if players just finish the main story or complete side quests as well For those
Just finished ME3 doing all side quests and dlc for all games took me a total of 90 hours How long for you guys Based on what it says for Mass Effect 1 3 and dlc completing most stuff but not competionist would still easily take over 100 hours on average
Mass Effect Legendary Edition How Long
Mass Effect Legendary Edition How Long
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How long is it if 100 all three games I can t buy games very often so i need to be sure the game will last me for a long while Like 100 hours for a playthrough When focusing on the main objectives Mass Effect is about 17 Hours in length If you re a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game you are likely to spend around 42 Hours to obtain 100 completion
The Mass Effect Legendary Edition finally brings all three games in the trilogy together in a single package That largely depends on the player s pace and whether you re playing for the first time or not Total playtime for Legendary Edition is 60 hours If you re gonna be a completionist who tries to get 100 probably around 120 150 hours
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The main quests take longer obvs but you can save any time except in fights so it s not like you have to complete the whole quest in one go unlike in Andromeda where they disabled saving in The Mass Effect Legendary Edition includes single player base content and over 40 DLC from the highly acclaimed Mass Effect Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 games including promo weapons armors and packs remastered and optimized for 4K Ultra HD
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