Lost Lands 5 Bonus Walkthrough Puzzle Solutions Let s Play Lost Lands 5 Ice Spell Bonus Chapter Full Walkthrough V O R Bros 16 3K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 172 69K views 2 years ago The cold has come to the Lost Lands
Chapter 1 Valley of the Keepers Take SHARP STONE A Use SHARP STONE B open bag Read note take KEY TO MAARON S HUT bearskin cape and SHOVEL Use SHOVEL C Solution D Solution E Raise ladder F Go G Take RAG H Remove snow and sticks take SNOWSHOES Use SNOWSHOES I Move forward Move forward Bonus Chapter lost lands 5 ice spell complete walkthrough YouTube the story continues after susan got rid of the tasrac and suzan asks Maaron how he survived when suzan left in the
Lost Lands 5 Bonus Walkthrough Puzzle Solutions
Lost Lands 5 Bonus Walkthrough Puzzle Solutions
Lost Lands 8 Sand Captivity Walkthrough Part 1
Lost Lands 8 Sliding Lock Puzzle Walkthrough Solution FIVE BN GAMES YouTube
Lost Lands 5 Ice Spell FULL Game Walkthrough ElenaBionGamesSUBSCRIBE LIKE COMMENT SHARE https www youtube c ElenaBionGamesPlaylist Lost Lands is a series of free detective style mobile games that combine puzzle solving and mini games with hidden object finding similar to the Adventure Escape Mysteries in a mysterious world where reality and fantasy combine In Chapter Eight Sand Captivity our hero Susan needs to find an artifact that is hidden somewhere in the Lost Lands
Lost Lands 6 Bonus Chapter Walkthrough Solutions Screenshot by Pro Game Guides Once you complete the main story of a Lost Lands collector s Edition game it opens up new content including a Bonus Chapter to complete Part 1 Valley of the Keepers Lost Lands 5 Ice Spell A full walkthrough where you will find the solution or solutions to every puzzle and also the location of every hidden item Don t get stuck and check this video guide made by the youtuber GameOne Play with Adam Take the sharp stone and use it open the bag read the note and also
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Welcome to the Lost Lands Mistakes of the Past Walkthrough Turn back the hands of time to free the Lost Lands Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end we re pretty sure you ll find what you re looking for here Use CHIPS FOR THE PUZZLE on A Solution 17 Lost Lands Redemption Bonus levels solutions tips for achievements You can get any puzzle specific achievement in main menu extras For first try achievements don t hit reset if make mistake leave puzzle either in game or in extras Don t need to worry about getting them all or follow the in game strategy guide for collectables
In part three of our walkthrough and puzzle solutions guide we ll walk you through your first encounters in the Dungeon Recommended Videos If you re looking for full in depth walkthroughs of the entire game please check out the remaining parts of our Lost Lands 3 Golden Curse Walkthrough Puzzle Solutions guide below Take SHARP STONE A Use SHARP STONE B open bag Read note take KEY TO MAARON S HUT bearskin cape and SHOVEL Meeting at the hut Maaron left me everything I need to reach his hut I need to get there and meet with him Use SHOVEL C Shovel the snow into the pit
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HoGBOT Lost Lands 5 Ice Spell Walkthrough PART 2 ALL PUZZLE SOLVED YouTube
Lost Lands 5 Bonus Walkthrough Puzzle Solutions - Chapter 1 Around the Druid Valley Uncover and take the Notebook A Select the branch Take the HAMMER HANDLE B Take XYLOPHONE HAMMER 1 3 C and MAP FRAGMENT D Take Manuscripts 1 28 E Take the HAMMER HEAD F Combine the HAMMER HEAD and HAMMER HANDLE for a HAMMER Inventory Select G Use the HAMMER for NAILS take the PLANKS H