Lego Harry Potter Years 5 7 Walkthrough Wii Burning Bridges Year 7 P2 Level 3 Burning Bridges Use WiLe to pull the cord down and move the items to the painting The correct order from left to right is bird cloud sun Go to the right and
Full guide for LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 No commentary no cutscenes no nonsense Gudie http wikigameguides LEGO Harry Potter LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 Year 8 Part 3 Burning Bridges 100 Guide This video will guide you through the level to find all 4 house crests 3 character tokens and the student
Lego Harry Potter Years 5 7 Walkthrough Wii Burning Bridges
Lego Harry Potter Years 5 7 Walkthrough Wii Burning Bridges
LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 Walkthrough Part 2 Year 5 Hogwarts
LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 Walkthrough Part 1 YouTube
On this page of our guide to LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 you ll find all collectibles in the mission Burning Bridges Character tokens Hogwarts Crests Students in Peril In this guide you ll find the means to navigate the complex Wizarding world and complete the story of Harry Potter and his friends Also found in this guide are tips
Goyle Jumper fill tank and jump on plunger in S entrance Neville Tank Top in locked chest in H entrance Madam Pomfrey zap flower bed in H entrance Characters McGonagall Black The Grey Lady RavenClaw Crest Gryffindor CrestYou And Whose Army TrophyIn This Video Death Eaters Are Trying To Get Into H
More picture related to Lego Harry Potter Years 5 7 Walkthrough Wii Burning Bridges
LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 Walkthrough Year 7 Part 2 Burning
LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 Walkthrough Part 1 No Commentary Year
Lego Harry Potter Years 5 7 Walkthrough Part 1 Dark Times YouTube
Collect some light by using the Deluminator Go downstairs and approach the locked door to the chamber of secrets Transfer the light back to the lamp A few bricks Burning Bridges mission Together with Luna walk through the halls of Hogwarts in search of another Horcrux Pull the yellow tapestry three figurines will fall out of it
The LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 walkthrough contains full guides on how to complete each and every story mission that take place throughout Harry and his Walkthrough Guides Make your way through the story of LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 with IGN s guides that breaks down each level for you
LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 Walkthrough Part 11 Year 7 The Ending
Lego Harry Potter Years 5 7 Walkthrough The Forbbiden Forest YouTube
Lego Harry Potter Years 5 7 Walkthrough Wii Burning Bridges - Story Mode Walkthroughs This is where I will cover all 14 main chapters in the game The chapters will be split up by movie I have decided not to break up each