Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 Walkthrough Wii Year 2 Introduction Let me preface the introduction by warning you that this game is Tom Riddled with bugs glitches that have ruined many players experiences To avoid the biggest and permanent ones
LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 is an adventure action game You play as a young wizard called Harry Potter a fictional character created by J K Rowling You will accompany him on his various adventures that happened during his first four years in Hogwarts To some extent the game offers an open structure LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 Year 2 Part 1 Walkthrough LEGO Harry Potter 1 4 guide walkthrough Last update 29 December 2020 0 Post Comment 4 1 Next Walkthrough Year 2 p 2 Prev Walkthrough Year 1 p 2 Floo Powder You begin at a farm go into the house 1 You will find yourself in a kitchen
Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 Walkthrough Wii Year 2
Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 Walkthrough Wii Year 2
Harry Potter Lego Years 1 4 Walkthrough Part 88 Gringotts Levels 4 6 YouTube
Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 Nintendo Wii Game DKOldies
2010 Browse game Gaming Browse all gaming Detonado Walkthrough Playthrough Gameplay Longplay Wii Full HD 1080p 60fps All story all levels all bosses all cutscenes ending The Story Mode Walkthrough consists of only the steps you need to take to actually complete each level Please see the Free Play section for information on how to attain True Wizard status in
LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 Guide and Walkthrough Wii Guide and Walkthrough PS3 by CyricZ Version Final Updated 02 06 2023 FAQ of the Month Winner July 2010 Hi folks You begin in the Bathroom Hallway M1 4 1 Head right to the very end and follow Moaning Myrtle into the bathroom 2 Tom Riddle s Diary Moaning Myrtle will start throwing stuff at you while hiding inside one of the cabins 1 Use WL to throw back the items and open the doors Once you get to Myrtle attack her with magic 2
More picture related to Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 Walkthrough Wii Year 2
LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 Part 2 HD Walkthrough Out Of The Dungeon YouTube
Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 Wii Amazon co uk PC Video Games
LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 Wingamestore
Hogwart s Year Two advertisement The first stage as you return to your second year at Hogwarts begins even before you properly arrive at the famous school You ll need to begin by completing Pass through the gate Follow your tour guide through a new chamber There are activities here that you may wish to pursue though they won t help you with your current objective When you re ready
Approach the goblin stationed in the middle of the Gringott s Bank 1 Wave in front of him by default J while standing in the designated spot After a short cutscene you will take control of the goblin Open the first lock 2 Open the big gate using Hagrid and his great strength pull the chain by the wall This is the 5th part of my LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 walkthrough This video contains two levels from Year 2 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 Cheats GamesRadar
LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 Walkthrough Part 42 Year 4 Ending Cutscene YouTube
Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 Walkthrough Wii Year 2 - WC Wizard Card STUN Stupefy REP Reparo CLOAK Invisibility Cloak EXPEL Expelliarmus REV Revelio PAT Patronus Charm RED Reducto WL Wingardium Leviosa TRANS Transfigure FIRE Incendio