Dragon Warrior 4 Nes Walkthrough On 1F go north thru the door if you go west then you will find the Sword of Malice and if you go east you will find a Luck Seed Now if you go south from the stairs there will be a set of stairs down take these stairs to find a tile that will restore the MP of Healie
Save whenever it s possible The Chapter System Dragon Warrior IV is split into five distinct chapters with the first four featuring new characters locations and stories Eventually these stories intertwine into the fifth chapter where you control the Hero as he or she gathers these characters to save the world CHAPTER ONE THE ROYAL SOLDIERS 1A Burland 1B Cave to Izmit 1C Izmit Village 1D The Secret Playground 1E Loch Tower 1F Claiming Your Reward 2 CHAPTER TWO PRINCESS ALENA S ADVENTURE 2A
Dragon Warrior 4 Nes Walkthrough
Dragon Warrior 4 Nes Walkthrough
Dragon Warrior Nes Rom Dragon Warrior IGN Pimpinthecode
Dragon Warrior IV NES Playthrough Part 1 10 YouTube
Dragon Warrior IV Guide and Walkthrough NES By Ramina GameFAQs Dragon Warrior IV Guide and Walkthrough NES Guide and Walkthrough PS by Ramina Version 1 0 100 Dragon Warrior IV Released on Dec 11 1992 By Enix for NES Walkthroughs FAQs Guides and Maps Got a Dragon Warrior IV walkthrough FAQ or Guide Use the submission form or
Walkthrough Chapter 1 The Royal Soldiers Chapter 2 Princess Alena s Adventure Chapter 3 Taloon the Arms Merchant Chapter 4 The Sisters of Monbaraba Chapter 5 The Chosen Ones The Quest Begins Searching for Taloon Searching for Alena Brey and Cristo Searching for Ragnar The Hunt for the Zenithian Armor Esturk s Awakening Http www longplaysPlayed By Valis77Once again another epic rpg and by far one of the best in the series This is the First of the Zenethia Heavenly
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Dragon Warrior IV NES Playthrough Part 5 10 YouTube
Dragon Warrior IV NES Chapter 5 Izmit YouTube
The NES comra for in on the Warrior V will on the Option WEST end push A an Log e Only four Il to e a When don e and push A the UNDERST AND YOUR CURRENT Sold Gei the Dragon Bhrrior IV Ilini 1100k Tokuma Publishing the Ilia book authori Serious help from the publisher ol 200 hi 1100k tines Nintendo games This Grand Opening 03 04 2000 Update by Mr Saturn Welcome to the new Dragon Warrior IV shrine Dragon Warrior IV is a VERY rare game for the NES but it was released in America You can try to find it on e bay but be prepared to pay big bucks
Walkthrough First of all all respects to the author of the FAQ below I m sure he spent a lot of time on it and it is a very good FAQ However I m picky and I like to make all of the walkthroughs that appear on my shrines For the time being the FAQ will stay but that s only until I finish my own The walkthrough is the meat of the guide containing in depth strategies directions and so on The appendices or in other words all the parts of the walkthrough that are not the walkthrough contain supplemental information that may be often referenced in the walkthrough
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Dragon Warrior 4 Nes Walkthrough - Cheats View Poker Results Start a bew poker game at the casino Hold B and press Select Start Change Overworld Music In Chapter 5 after you have found all seven chosen ones Ragnar Alena Brey Cristo Taloon Nara and Mara you can change the overworld music Place Ragnar in the party lead for Chapter 1 music