Lego Harry Potter 5 7 Half Blood Prince Walkthrough In today s episode we go through the full walkthrough of Year 6 in LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7Other Content LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga https www
Year 6 Prologue Half Blood Prince As usual we start at Diagon Alley Follow the ghost studs while exploring a lot of collectibles along the various areas during the prologue Most notable Welcome to my FAQ Walkthrough for LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 In this guide you ll find the means to navigate the complex Wizarding world and complete the story
Lego Harry Potter 5 7 Half Blood Prince Walkthrough
Lego Harry Potter 5 7 Half Blood Prince Walkthrough
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Walkthrough Part 1
LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 Walkthrough Part 1 Year 6 Half Blood
You ve completed Chapter 5 The Half Blood Prince Year 6 Chapter 1 Professor Slughorn 4 Gold Hats 1 Red Brick 3 Character Tokens In the main room where you start go Have Harry put on his Invisibility Cloak and walk past her then zap the lock on the nearby cabinet to open it revealing LEGO pieces Build them onto the curtains then use Wingardium Leviosa on them to close them
The LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 walkthrough contains full guides on how to complete each and every story mission that take place throughout Harry and his friend s adventures LEGO How To Unlock Collect Character Token 5 in The Half Blood Prince Chapter 1 then purchase in the shop Katie Bell Abilities Magic
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LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 The Half Blood Prince Year 6 YouTube
LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 Unofficial Guide by vhayste for SuperCheats Welcome to our complete unofficial guide to LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 inside our guide you will find Story Mode Walkthroughs This is where I will cover all 14 main chapters in the game The chapters will be split up by movie I have decided not to break up each chapter
Our LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 walkthrough and guide will take you through each chapter and help you find all of the brick too Gameplay in Lego Harry Potter Years 5 7 This is an unofficial game guide to LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 Our guide contains a detailed walkthrough of all missions Also it provides information about all
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Lego Harry Potter 5 7 Half Blood Prince Walkthrough - The LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 7 walkthrough contains full guides on how to complete each and every story mission that take place throughout Harry and his friend s adventures LEGO