Lego City Undercover Free Play Walkthrough This is a complete full game walkthrough for LEGO City Undercover on PC in 1080p HD 60fps This shows how to complete all levels and finish the main story
10 5 The LEGO City Undercover game guide provides detailed information about the game A thorough description of the walkthrough of the game s storyline divided into 15 chapters will help with completing the storyline especially for the youngest of players Challenges and side quests have been described in separate chapters 7 3K Share 1 1M views 5 years ago legocityundercover subscribe dyrtiwurk Join the Chase In LEGO CITY Undercover play as Chase McCain a police officer who s been tasked with going
Lego City Undercover Free Play Walkthrough
Lego City Undercover Free Play Walkthrough
LEGO City Undercover Full Gameplay Walkthrough Longplay YouTube
Test Lego City Undercover Sur Xbox One SuccesOne®-CITY-UNDERCOVER_20170410155841-1-1024x576.jpg
Basics 3A Controls 3B Menus Displays 3C Hints Tips 4 Chase McCain 4A Disguises 4B Police Station 5 Our Story 5A Chapter 1 New Faces and Old Enemies 5B Chapter 2 Blast from the Past LEGO City Undercover Full Gameplay Walkthrough Longplay Longplay Playlist https www youtube playlist list PLjen7U7PlzEqYPqbr0LMzqRzz LcRU5jY Twitter
You get one brick for completing a mission collecting all police shields in a given level 4 by getting Hero status in each of the levels which means you have to collect a required number of Studs You can find 10 bricks hidden in the police station their locations can be found in the secrets descriptions Build a small cart for the stove Push it over and attach to it several bricks from another object in the recess Push it over collect the valve from the opened recess and mount it onto the cart Then give it a twist to reveal stairs to the upper floor Destroy the engines and rebuild them It s down the slope now
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Lego City Undercover Vehicle List Prima Games
Some Assaults LEGO City Undercover Guide IGN
The third and final part of the walkthrough page is a complete FREE PLAY MODE WALKTHROUGH which explains usually in detail and with pictures how to get all 4 Police Shield Pieces both Full gameplay walkthrough for LEGO City Undercover Remastered for PlayStation 4 Wii U Xbox One Nintendo Switch Microsoft Windows Subscribe https www
1 Red brick Study 4x 2 vehicles Gotland Relocator Shield pieces Paint four ducks in the sewers to gold Complete the RC boat track time limit in the sewers Rex Fury only Open four optional safes in the vault Take the vacuum cleaner in the bank and clean the stains on the plates LEGO City hero status 180 000 studs Special Assignment 1 Some Assaults Look for The Rooftops in Cherry Tree Hills Special Assignment 2 Trouble in Stir Look for Albatross Island Prison on Albatross Island Special Assignment 3 Miner Altercation Enter through the Bluebell Mine entrance in Bluebell National Park
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Lego City Undercover Free Play Walkthrough - LEGO City Undercover Full Gameplay Walkthrough Longplay Longplay Playlist https www youtube playlist list PLjen7U7PlzEqYPqbr0LMzqRzz LcRU5jY Twitter