Kingdom Hearts Walkthrough 100 Acre Wood

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Kingdom Hearts Walkthrough 100 Acre Wood This is the walkthrough for 100 Acre Wood as it is featured in Kingdom Hearts II as well as its Final Mix version Sora and his friends were called to Hollow Bastion by Merlin to defend Winnie

The 100 Acre Wood is different from other worlds in that it is unlocked in stages throughout the game by collecting the Torn Pages that were scattered across the universe As you You can begin exploring the Hundred Acre Wood as soon as Merlin opens the book during Traverse Town 2nd Visit but this guide assumes you wait until after Traverse Town 3rd Visit as you can

Kingdom Hearts Walkthrough 100 Acre Wood


Kingdom Hearts Walkthrough 100 Acre Wood


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Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories Mini games Pooh has lost all of his friends and the objective of this world is to find them Sora has to guide Pooh through the world to his friends but he won t follow Sora if Walkthrough 100 Acre Wood Warp back to Twilight Town now per the team s suggestion and approach Merlin at the Bistro You ll automatically enter the

100 Acre Woods is an optional world from Winnie the Pooh that Sora and the gang can visit as part of our official Walkthrough for Kingdom Hearts 3 Unlocks Your objective in the 100 Acre Wood is to help Pooh find his friends Start with Piglet who can be found on the backside of Pooh s house He ll run around the bushes just catch

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Enter Pooh Bear s House and open the three chests 100 Acre Wood Map 1 3 an AP Boost 2 3 and a Mythril Stone 3 3 Talk to Pooh and Sora gets launched out of the The 100 Acre Wood is located in Merlin s House of all places It s the damaged book you got for him early in the game However most of it wasn t accessible until you retrieved

You need to score 100 points on this minigame to unlock the final reward of the book Attempt it until you succeed When you succeed you will also see a scene The 100 Acre Wood is just a fun little Mini game world No part of it is necessary but you can get some good items and spell upgrades for doing it


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Kingdom Hearts Walkthrough 100 Acre Wood - Full video walkthrough for 100 Acre Wood found here advertisement After the Save point continue to the left and another part of the book is available a