Infinity Blade 3 Walkthrough Act 5

Infinity Blade 3 Walkthrough Act 5 Infinity Blade III Infinity Blade 3 by Chair Entertainment Group LLCWalkthrough Part 17 Act V Ascension The Ark First Attempt The Ark All roads ha

Infinity Blade III Infinity Blade 3 by Chair Entertainment Group LLCWalkthrough Part 18 Act V Ascension The Ark Second Attempt The Ark All roads h 1 The Map of Life Looted from a Medium Chest in Act 1 Find with Siris The map is depicting one of the paintings in Act 1 right after you get the map Tap the pulsating circle to get close to it and you ll have a perfect view of the painting All I got was a lousy Steel Hatchet but early on in the game I guess it s useful 2 The Plate Map

Infinity Blade 3 Walkthrough Act 5


Infinity Blade 3 Walkthrough Act 5


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When you have unlocked Act 5 you will be able to access the Deathless Blade Master s Collector s quest where you must fight your way through Slot Canyon to the ancient temple in the Collector s lair and defeat The Collector to win exclusive weapons for each character Infinity Blade III Walkthrough Part 5 Act II Buried in the Past Third Attempt YouTube Infinity Blade III Infinity Blade 3 by Chair Entertainment Group

The Collector The Collector can be found in a new area on the map the Crevasse You risk your own weapon when you fight him in order to win his The first time I beat him he was level 100 and I got the Lost Axe of Galath The second time I met him he was level 500 in the Seccian Desert and I got the Blade of Eradoom a light weapon for Isa Infinity Blade returns with a new action thrilled adventure See a new playable character new sci fi flavor and more in Chair s epic

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Infinity Blade III at IGN walkthroughs items maps video tips and strategies At the start of this video for Infinity Blade III we laid out all sorts of spoiler alert warnings Infinity Blade III An Oddly Spoiler Free Walkthrough Posted on September 18 2013

By Sho Roberts Walkthroughs Infinity Blade III Walkthrough Infinity Blade III is an action combat game by ChAIR Entertainment You play as two warriors Siris and Isa who are on a Infinity Blade III is the sequel to Infinity Blade II and the final installment of the Infinity Blade series Like the first two installments it s an action RPG role playing game developed for iOS devices by Chair Entertainment and Epic Games It was released to the App Store on September 18th 2013 and the protagonists of the game are Siris and Isa With the removal of the Infinity Blade


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Infinity Blade 3 Walkthrough Act 5 - First find the location near the bottom of the map called Nafusaan Mountains Interlude The Dragoor I had all locations unlocked when I saw it While in there make sure to get the treasure from the Scorched Map If you miss it though you can get it after you kill Dragoor