Angry Birds Star Wars 1 16 Tatooine 3 Star Walkthrough

Angry Birds Star Wars 1 16 Tatooine 3 Star Walkthrough A 3 Star walkthrough on how to beat Angry Birds Star Wars World 1 Tatooine Level 16 Please join us for all our Angry Birds Gameplay 3 Star Walkthroughs an

Angry Birds Star Wars 3 Star Walkthrough Level 1 16 Tatooine http angrybirdstarwarsTwitter JohnTarrJr http goo gl k1mkiTwitter ExplicitD http goo Here s how to get 3 stars on Tatooine 16 in Angry Birds Star Wars Bird 1 Fire your Red Luke Skywalker Bird down and to the right directly through the front of the structure Fire your Black Obi

Angry Birds Star Wars 1 16 Tatooine 3 Star Walkthrough


Angry Birds Star Wars 1 16 Tatooine 3 Star Walkthrough


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Angry Birds Star Wars at IGN walkthroughs items maps video tips and strategies Tatooine 16 Death Star 16 Path of the Jedi 16 Hoth 16 Overview 3 Star Walkthrough Golden Droids Our strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars Tatooine level 1 16 is to launch Luke towards the bottom left of the vehicle Pull the lightsaber upon impact Then launch Obi Wan towards the pile of debris Initiate the Force a split second after impact Debris should be sent flying to the right detonating the tnt box and destroying the remaining pig

Angry Birds Star Wars walkthrough video archive for all levels and episodes including quick access to our Golden Droid e g Golden Eggs walkthroughs and all bonus levels 16 Jurassic Pork Surf and Turf Angry Birds 2 00 Boss Fights 01 Feathery Hills 02 New Pork City 03 Eggchanted Woods Angry Birds Star Wars 01 Tatooine Tatooine 1 16 is the 16th level of Tatooine in Angry Birds Star Wars and the game overall Destroy the left structure with Luke s lightsaber Then use Obi Wan towards the pile of debris Push the blocks to pop the remaining pigs If you are lucky enough this shot can detonate the TNT for some

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Angry Birds Star Wars 1 37 Tatooine 3 Star Walkthrough YouTube

By sal9 on Nov 8 2012 86 Comments Our strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars Tatooine level 1 37 is to launch Obi Wan around the planet towards the bottom right pig trooper This is a relatively difficult shot Send the bird at approximately three quarters impulse not too close to the planet Obi Wan has to land paralel to the bottom structure Angry Birds Star Wars Tatooine Level 1 37 walkthrough tutorial showing you one way to get 3 stars Visit http www AngryBirdsNest for more Angry Birds

Walkthrough Here s how to get 3 Stars on Tatooine 1 in Angry Birds Star Wars Bird 1 Fire your Red Luke Skywalker Bird at the horizontal piece of wood nearest to you Everything will tumble Angry Birds Go Our strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars Tatooine level 1 40 is to launch Obi Wan towards the three steel wheels above the main structure Initiate the Force upon impact With a little luck the blaster shots will ricochet towards the three pigs in the bubble while the wheels fall on the rightmost pigs


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Angry Birds Star Wars 1 16 Tatooine 3 Star Walkthrough - Tatooine 1 20 is the 20th level of Tatooine in Angry Birds Star Wars and the game overall The right side of the level are the ice wood and stone wheels they can roll to the left side if you destroy two vertical ice bars Getting 3 stars can be problematic for some Send Luke above the left section toward two vertical ice bars Use the lightsaber to damage upon impact The wheels will roll