Ign Ff9 Walkthrough Disc 3

Ign Ff9 Walkthrough Disc 3 Disc 2 Disc 4 Returning to Alexandria Returning to the castle to crown Princess Garnet as the new Queen of Alexandria and exploring the town as Zidane Vivi and Eiko Returning to Treno Returning to Treno to compete in the Card Tournament the Knight s House Monster Challenge and the Village of Dali Attack on Alexandria

Home Guides Q A Reviews Guide and Walkthrough PS by bover 87 Version 2 01 Updated 06 20 2023 Highest Rated Guide Previous Battle of the Iifa Tree Table of Contents Next The Home Front In order to complete Disc 3 within four hours our target should be within twenty minutes of each of these splits so the below will be our target times based on these splits Using the World

Ign Ff9 Walkthrough Disc 3


Ign Ff9 Walkthrough Disc 3


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This guide is planned to have a beginning to end walkthrough of the main story while simultaneously guiding you through all of the side quests and other goodies in the game The side quests include Chocobo Hot and Cold Tetra Master and all of the smaller ones like the jump rope mini game Friendly Monsters Excalibur II and much more Iifa Tree 2 Back to Treno The game will return to Alexandria where Dagger will soon become the queen After a few more scenes you will eventually gain control of Vivi You will begin right outside of the pub where you just saw Zidane and his friends Before you do anything you will need to know that there s a side quest at this point

This guide is planned to have a beginning to end walkthrough of the main story while simultaneously guiding you through all of the side quests and other goodies in the game The side quests include Chocobo Hot and Cold Tetra Master and all of the smaller ones like the jump rope mini game Friendly Monsters Excalibur II and much more This is the Story Walkthrough for the Desert Palace Disc 3 from Final Fantasy IX FFIX FF9 Read on for more information about objectives and bosses within this section Final Fantasy 9 FF9 Walkthrough Guides Wiki

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Strategy This battle is VERY TOUGH believe me It can make the entire party to confuse or reduces party s HP to 1 Also you can t use magic or summon on this battle so be sure to heal your party using Hi potion or tent Keep your HP above 800 and let your party s attack as normal If you have Amarant in your party try to use his Throw command This is a Story Walkthrough for Pandemonium Disc 3 from Final Fantasy IX FFIX FF9 Read on for more information about objectives and bosses within this section List of Contents Pandemonium Objectives Pandemonium Items and Equipment Pandemonium Shops Pandemonium Boss Fights Final Fantasy IX Related Links Pandemonium Walkthrough

Back to Treno Disc 3 Walkthrough Final Fantasy IX Gamer Guides Subscribe to Premium to Remove Ads Assault on Alexandria There will be a short scene in Treno and once it s over you will gain control of Zidane with the ATE prompt popping up in the corner This is the Story Walkthrough for your third visit to Alexandria Disc 3 from Final Fantasy IX FFIX FF9 Read on for more information about objectives and bosses within this section Final Fantasy 9 FF9 Walkthrough Guides Wiki


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Ign Ff9 Walkthrough Disc 3 - The first thing to do is examine the book pile Up here is the Item Shop You can also speak to the man talking to the clerk to participate in their argument if you do this repeatedly you ll