Mario Bros Wii Walkthrough World 1

Mario Bros Wii Walkthrough World 1 New Super Mario Bros Wii 100 Walkthrough showing off all the star coins and secret exits for all 9 worlds in the game Subscribe to NintendoCentral http

Part 1 of a complete walkthrough on New Super Mario Bros Wii In this video all star coins and secret exits in World 1 New Super Mario Bros Wii Walkthrough Worlds 1 9 Full Game 100 This video shows off a Complete Walkthrough Worlds 1 9 All Star Coins and Secret Exits

Mario Bros Wii Walkthrough World 1


Mario Bros Wii Walkthrough World 1


New Super Mario Bros Wii Background


New Super Mario Bros Wii Walkthrough World 1 5 YouTube

World 1 also known as Princess Peach s Kingdom 1 is the first world in New Super Mario Bros Wii World 1 is occupied by Larry Koopa the first boss to be fought in the game This world features typical grassy plains with many colorful mushroom hills similar to New Super Mario Bros It has eight levels three Toad Houses and a cannon Star Coin 1 The first coin you ll encounter is in the air above the fourth gear Use one of the gear s teeth to leap over to it Star Coin 2 When you get to the hall of Thwomps the first large

World 1 1 By Samuel Claiborn ignmaster450 JSnakeC 1 6k more updated Jul 10 2013 Star Coins advertisement Star Coin 1 This coin is floating just above the first Propeller Suit Boss fight Fighting Larry Koopa When Mario goes through the red doors that lead to Larry Koopa Larry will be in the middle of the room He will see Mario and jump in surprise but then he will attack Larry attacks by blasting bolts of blue magic from his magic wand at Mario in an attempt to hit him

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New Super Mario Bros Wii 100 Walkthrough Part 1 World 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 T All Star Coins


New Super Mario Bros Wii 100 Walkthrough World 8 YouTube

World 1 1 is the first level of New Super Mario Bros Wii It begins immediately outside Peach s Castle and introduces the player to a new power up the Propeller Suit Its completion unlocks World 1 2 Star Coin 1 After halfway flag reachable with Propeller Suit Star Coin 2 In second bonus room Star Coin 3 Towards end on a high platform Time Limit 500 World 1 1 is the first stage in New Super Mario Bros Wii

Check out Bas Rutten s Liver Shot on MMA Surge http bit ly MMASurgeEp1http www mahalo new super mario bros wii walkthroughCheck out the rest of the Walkthrough We uncover every Star Coin and secret this game has to offer Hidden Routes Get a quick list of the alternate exits and routes hidden in some levels Secrets Discover the Mushroom


New Super Mario Bros Wii Full Game Walkthrough YouTube


New Super Mario Bros Wii 100 Walkthrough World 4 YouTube

Mario Bros Wii Walkthrough World 1 - Walk through By Samuel Claiborn ignmaster450 JSnakeC 1 6k more updated Sep 20 2013 advertisement Choose a level below or in the navigation tabs on the left to reveal its Star Coins