I Fought The Law Walkthrough

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I Fought The Law Walkthrough Investigating With River Infiltrating Red Queen s Race Sometimes the law just isn t on your side in Cyberpunk 2077 and if you haven t already gleaned that from your time in Night City then this quest will convince you After wreaking some havoc with Panam you will receive a mysterious call from a powerful character ready to meet you

This walkthrough will guide you through all steps of the I Fought The Law Side Quest Area Heywood The Glen Quest Giver The Peralezes River Ward Requirement Complete Main Job Life During Wartime reached Street Cred Level 13 Reward 11580 700 XP 1574 Street Cred Mission Info First rule of top secret jobs don Find the office and watch the security clip in the computer The office is in the back of the club at the second floor Watch the security clip and talk to River afterwards 4 Optional Find the spiked braindance If you go into the room where you saw the mayor being dragged out of you can find a BD on the couch

I Fought The Law Walkthrough


I Fought The Law Walkthrough


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Now let s get started on the Cyberpunk 2077 s I Fought The Law choices and more Ahead of the big Cyberpunk 2077 2 0 update and Phantom Liberty expansion we ve updated this guide to ensure you The first is around 0 10 in the hallway outside of the conference room Listen to the conversation between the mayor and the deputy mayor Image CD Projeckt Red via Polygon The final Audio clue

Side Quests River I Fought The Law Quest Information Look if a job starts like a classic whodunit some femme fatale calls you up refuses to give deets and just calls a meet one of three things is going down you re dreaming you re scrollin a BD or someone s hazing you good Think you can scratch the first two First rule of top secret jobs don t take em Cyberpunk 2077 Tutorials Location Guide Playlist https www youtube playlist list PLU9RCp3FVNkQ xGa3DCSG63psZkokSB CSecond Channel https www you

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Cyberpunk 2077 I Fought The Law Mission Walkthrough

0 Cyberpunk 2077 mission I Fought The Law is an opportunity to get to know Elizabeth and Jefferson Peralez and practice your investigative skills alongside River Ward of the NCPD Among the various game mechanics present in Cyberpunk 2077 BrainDance is perhaps the most iconic This new mission will be the opportunity to use it again Marvel s Guardians of the Galaxy Walkthrough Part 20 The Final Battle of Faith 01 06 53 Marvel s Guardians of the Galaxy Walkthrough Part 21 Magus Battle and Credits

Here s a walkthrough of I Fought The Law in Cyberpunk 2077 Danger Moderate Meet with Elizabeth Peralez After she calls you on the phone meet her at the location marked on the map which is in Heywood I received the call sometime in Act 2 after finishing a few main jobs I Fought the Law is a Side Jobs in Cyberpunk 2077 I Fought the Law can be acquired from Elizabeth Peralez Completing Side Jobs Side Quests in Cyberpunk 2077 rewards you with experience points and may reward you with items Side Jobs can also influence the main story outcome Look if a job starts like a classic whodunit some femme fatale calls you up refuses to give deets and just


Make Sure To Do This Quest In Cyberpunk 2077 I Fought The Law Walkthrough YouTube


Cyberpunk 2077 Walkthrough I Fought the Law 020 Game Of Guides

I Fought The Law Walkthrough - Starting I Fought the Law in Cyberpunk 2077 In order to first receive this side quest you ll need to complete the main story mission Life During Wartime After that you will eventually receive a call from Elizabeth Peralez who will ask you to meet with her and her husband The couple wants to discuss the mysterious death of Mayor