Geothermal Caverns Tomb Raider Walkthrough

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Geothermal Caverns Tomb Raider Walkthrough 1 1 Find a Way Into the Solarii Stronghold 1 2 Rescue the Captured Endurance Crew 1 3 Escape the Cavern No One Left Behind Find a Way Into the Solarii Stronghold Walk out of the pool of blood and continue up the bloody path Arrows will be leaning against a corpse Snatch them up and light a fire arrow

Move quickly through the tunnel The toxic green gas will kill Lara if she breathes it for too long Also for obvious reasons do not light your torch while exploring near one of these gas vents You emerge near a new Day Camp called aptly enough The Pit 0 00 24 56 17 Tomb Raider 2013 Geothermal Caverns Complete MAP UHD 60 FPS 100 Walkthrough MP 7 24K subscribers Subscribe 32 Share 2 8K views 6 years ago Complete walkthrough

Geothermal Caverns Tomb Raider Walkthrough


Geothermal Caverns Tomb Raider Walkthrough


17 Tomb Raider 2013 Geothermal Caverns Complete MAP UHD 60 FPS 100 Walkthrough


Geothermal Caverns Tomb Raider 16 YouTube

GPS caches relics documents map Tomb Raider Definitive Edition Walkthrough Geothermal Caverns 100 Completed Hard Mode YouTube 0 00 26 18 Tomb Raider Definitive Edition Walkthrough Geothermal

Approach the waypoint to watch a short scene then go down the walkway A few steps in look through the stalactites and use Animal Instincts to spot a FIRESTARTER SACK 1 on the left Shoot 14 Tomb Raider Story Walkthrough Geothermal Caverns GEOTHERMAL CAVERNS COLLECTIBLES Camps 2 Documents 3 Relics 3 GPS Caches 5 Treasure Maps 1 Tombs 0 CHALLENGES

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IGN details the location of all of the collectible documents in the Geothermal Caverns region of Tomb Raider 2013 Collecting all GPS caches documents and relics 100 game completion will Geothermal Caverns Tomb Raider Walkthrough Tomb Raider 333 Follow the only road and keep going up the set of stairs until you reach the corner where you can hear voices and a short cutscene will play Tomb Raider Walkthrough Tomb Raider 334 Make your way through the bloody water and keep walking until you see the corpse with some arrows

Detailed walkthrough for the TOMB RAIDER video game for Windows PC PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 Geothermal Caverns Rescuing the Captives Part 1 Stay quiet and hidden behind the low wooden wall as you survey the situation Lara s friends Alex Jonah and Reyes are caged inside a junked helicopter suspended from the ceiling Tomb Raider collectibles in Geothermal Caverns Campsites 2 Documents 3 Relicts 3 GPS Caches 5 Treasure Maps 1 Challenges Firestarter 6 Map 8 Geothermal Caverns Next Collectibles Geothermal Caverns Campsites Prev Collectibles Shantytown Laid to Rest See Add Comments JOIN FOR UPDATES DOWNLOAD GUIDE Get e book version of this Guide


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Geothermal Tomb Raider Geothermal Caverns Treasure Map

Geothermal Caverns Tomb Raider Walkthrough - All collectibles in the Geothermal Caverns area part 1 Move through the crack up ahead to reach the next hall Aproach the waypoint to watch a short scene then go down the walkway A few steps in look through the stalactites and use Animal Instincts to spot a FIRESTARTER 1 SACK on the left Shoot it with a burning arrow to check it