Fnaf World Pinwheel Funhouse Walkthrough

Fnaf World Pinwheel Funhouse Walkthrough You can walk through the wall and touch the tombstone to jump You ll appear in a clearing The purple tent to the left leads to a loop so ignore it walk down two tree stumps and walk through the stump on your right Boss Bubba the beefy bear boss of Pinwheel Funhouse He ain t no Freddy

The Pinwheel Funhouse is an area in FNaF World It connects to Pinwheel Circus by going into the green tent purple in earlier versions after the Browboy fight Pinwheel Funhouse is the final area in the game which is composed of secret areas in the previous worlds This world is a maze full of purple tents which teleports the player to another tent although they never lead them back to This is a Fnaf World tutorial on how to get past the pinwheel funhouse

Fnaf World Pinwheel Funhouse Walkthrough


Fnaf World Pinwheel Funhouse Walkthrough


Fnaf World Pinwheel Funhouse SpeedFoxy By SpeedFoxy On DeviantArt


ArrPeeGeeZ FNaF World Walkthrough Part Seven Pinwheel Circus And Pinwheel Funhouse

EpicGamerFnaf fnafworld walkthroughgame https gamejolt games fnaf world 124921 Pinwheel Circus is a location in FNaF World It s connected to Lilygear Lake but can only be fully explored after going through the sub tunnels starting from Deep Metal Mine Based off its name Pinwheel Circus is a circus themed area filled with many balloons and different colored tents Fences appear to cover the entire area Lolbit is located near the entrance to Pinwheel Circus and

The Pinwheel Funhouse is hybrid between Fazbear Hills and the Pinwheel Circus When the player enters it just like Pinwheel Circus there s colored bubbles on the screen and a random trippy effect The Pinwheel Funhouse is a location in FNaF World where if the player goes through a purple tent They can go to a different part of the Funhouse or a different location in the game In the 3D Yep another clock minigame This time Fredbear directs you to Pinwheel Circus though he s actually sending you to Pinwheel Funhouse It s part of the main quest so don t worry about going out of your way or anything Once there you can find the clock in one of the first few areas you ll find just by going through tents at random

More picture related to Fnaf World Pinwheel Funhouse Walkthrough


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FNAF World GAMEPLAY PART 6 Pinwheel Funhouse SOLVED FNAF World Walkthrough Part 6 YouTube

From here you can either talk to the fishing guy Old Man Consequences and get the 4th Glitch trophy or you can go even deeper If you choose to talk to him your guide ends here Otherwise continue reading Now here is how you reach the 5th glitch Walk to the top of the pond get as close as you can and spam click the A and D buttons Unfortnately I cannot remember Hopefully there should be some videos of it on Youtube If you re at that part of the maze where you see three tents and the middle is covered by an through able wall go the the right one and before you head to that one go to the wall on your right It is another through able wall

The final red chest is right near the end of Pinwheel Funhouse Just after you fight and beat Bubba you ll emerge from a tent and into a passage with three more tents Enter the first tent on your right to find another smaller passage again with a tent Ignore the tent and walk through the wall just north and to the left of it FNAF WORLD GAMEPLAY PART 6 Pinwheel Funhouse SOLVED FNAF WORLD PLAYLIST https www youtube playlist list PLPGpqbq9HB7XV4l2bDjy kUCmJxs9BsN5RAZZ ME


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FNaF World Pinwheel Funhouse Walkthrough YouTube

Fnaf World Pinwheel Funhouse Walkthrough - The Pinwheel Circus is a location in FNAF World The Pinwheel Circus is very similar to the Pinwheel Funhouse Once again walking through the purple tent will take you to the Pinwheel Funhouse Most of the enemies here are based off circus related things like ballboys and biplanes On the first time that the player enters it there will be some glowly walls blocking the path that would lead