Fallout 76 The Elusive Crane Walkthrough This page has a walkthrough for The Elusive Crane one of the quests in Fallout 76 Wastelanders Our tips will help you complete the task Here you will find out the password to the terminal what rewards you can get from Crane s treasure and how to get the legendary Radicals Face Mask item Starting the quest Talk to Crane
Follow Duchess Wake Crane At the start of The Elusive Crane mission the Duchess will head upstairs and will open the locked door there Follow the Duchess upstairs to meet a chained up Crane Wake up Crane to trigger a sequence between SOL the Duchess and Crane After the sequence you will be able to select what to do with Crane Speak to Duchess Quest Walkthrough For a detailed step by step walkthrough of this quest click the Reveal Spoilers button below WARNING This will reveal integral spoilers for this quest Click at your own risk Location s The Forest Prerequisite Strength in Numbers Next Quest The New Arrivals Concurrent Quest None Follow Duchess
Fallout 76 The Elusive Crane Walkthrough
Fallout 76 The Elusive Crane Walkthrough
Fallout 76 Wastelanders Walkthrough Part 3 Wayward Souls Hunter For Hire The Elusive Crane
Fallout 76 Wastelanders Walkthrough Part 26 The Elusive Crane No Commentary YouTube
The Elusive Crane Fallout 76 Quest Group Main Quests Wastelanders You will receive this quest when you complete the Strength in Numbers quest After saving her guards she is going to tell you what she knows about Crane Learn the fate of Crane and his treasure Prior quests Find Crane s Treasure Fallout 76 The Elusive Crane You can complete Fallout 76 The Elusive Crane Find Crane s Treasure objective following this video guide
Wastelanders The Elusive Crane Walkthrough Joining Free Radicals Raider Finding Crane s TreasureFallout 76 How to Get a Legendary Weapons Easy Including This video shows how to complete The Elusive Crane Find Crane treasure quest in Fallout 76 Was
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The Elusive Crane Walkthrough After you complete the Strengths in Numbers quest follow the duchess to interrogate Crane After Crane is dead loot his body to get a map and a keycard Make your way to Gauley Mine Go inside the mine and follow the train tracks until you meet Solomon Then head down the stone tunnel to reach the mechanical room 2023 05 22 Fallout 76 s Wastelanders DLC is here and has brought new story missions One mission is The Elusive Crane in which you will work with Duchess to find Crane s treasure In
Fallout 76 Wastelanders DLC The Elusive Crane 1 Learn the fate of Crane and his treasure 2 Follow Duchess 3 Wake Crane 4 Kill Crane 5 Find Cranes Treasure 6 Search the room for the cage code 7 Find a way to open the cache door 8 Loot the cache 9 Speak to Duchess 10 Deal with Roper Fallout 76 The Elusive Crane Obtained Automatically after completing the Strength in Numbers main story quest Follow Duchess upstairs Interact with Crane Decide what you will Loot Crane to obtain the RobCo Experimental Cache Keycard and Crane s Map Head to Gauley Mine and make your way to the area will all the metal stairs
Strength In Numbers The Elusive Crane FALLOUT 76 WASTELANDERS Walkthrough Part 2 Co Op
Fallout 76 The Elusive Crane Walkthrough - Fallout 76 Wastelanders The Elusive Crane QuestIt doesn t matter if you are a returning player or a brand new spawn in taking on the world of Fallout 76 y