Escape From Monkey Island Ps2 Walkthrough L2 Button Bring up inventory management screen R1 Button Scroll up through dialog choices actions R2 Button Scroll down through dialog choices actions Left Analog Move Guybrush when pushed in
Welcome to the Sinjin s Guide to the Islands the ultimate online walkthrough for Escape from Monkey Island the latest adventure of Guybrush Threepwood 388 73K views 3 years ago Longplay Walkthrough Playthrough After returning from his honeymoon Guybrush and Elaine find her wrongly declared dead and her office up for election On his quest
Escape From Monkey Island Ps2 Walkthrough
Escape From Monkey Island Ps2 Walkthrough
RD1217 BLOGSPOT COM Walkthrough Escape From Monkey Island PS2
ESCAPE FROM MONKEY ISLAND 2000 First 15 Minutes Sony Playstation 2 Gameplay YouTube
Back at the mansion use the popped inner tube on the funny looking cactus by the mansion Give the pretzels to the catapult guy after he leaves tinker with the catapult After the film you can enter 11 hrs All Styles Images Screenshots 38 Images Escape From Monkey Island 8 7 Review scoring great IGN Staff Summary ESCAPE FROM MONKEY ISLAND has a story full of drama intrigue and
Introduction After the cut scene you ll be tied to a pole on a pirate ship Move Guybrush to the left or right until you can select the brazier Kick over the brazier of Hot Coals by pressing U and then pick P one of them up Turn around to face the cannon and kick the hot coal over to the loaded canon Get ready for a big KABOOM Got a Escape From Monkey Island walkthrough FAQ or Guide Use the submission form or email them as attachments to faqs neoseeker FAQs Guides are posted in their original unaltered
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This is my playthrough walkthrough of Escape From Monkey Island for the Playstation 2 Hope you guys enjoy my lets play and subscribe for more escapefromm Escape from Monkey Island Guide and Walkthrough PlayStation 2 By selmiak GameFAQs For Escape from Monkey Island on the PlayStation 2 Guide and Walkthrough by selmiak Menu
Welcome to the Escape from Monkey Island Walkthrough Site You ll find a complete walkthrough of the game with screenshots and all the insults and comebacks you ll need to win at Insult Arm Wrestling This web site copyright 2002 Send email with comments or questions Descend the Ladder to the lower level of the bank and pull the Pull Chain Pick up the ScupperWare on the table by the door Ascend the Ladder and look at the Funny Shadow on the wall to the left After Inspector Canard has left the bank exit through the Window Walk all the way right to the Bait Shoppe and enter it
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Escape From Monkey Island Ps2 Walkthrough - Introduction After the cut scene you ll be tied to a pole on a pirate ship Move Guybrush to the left or right until you can select the brazier Kick over the brazier of Hot Coals by pressing U and then pick P one of them up Turn around to face the cannon and kick the hot coal over to the loaded canon Get ready for a big KABOOM