Dragon Age 2 Companion Approval Cheat

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Dragon Age 2 Companion Approval Cheat For Dragon Age II on the PC GameFAQs has 67 cheat codes and secrets

Anyone found the console command to add companion approval yet I want to do a play through where I m a total ass to everyone the whole time but I don t wanna have Everything you need to know about the companion approval system in Dragon Age 2

Dragon Age 2 Companion Approval Cheat


Dragon Age 2 Companion Approval Cheat


Dragon Age Origins Companion Approval Guide


How To Get Maximum Approval From Varric In Dragon Age Inquisition

Look up Sera s approval check Inquisitor s romance flag and you re probably will get that sweet tarot card it might take some googling but in the long run it will pay off The PC edition of Dragon Age 2 has cheat codes that are not available in the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions including god mode and instant stat boosts

Add items to the valuables category of the blacksmith shop in Haven and Skyhold that change companion approval The Gifts And Approval step explains how modify your custom companion s approval through gift giving and scripted events

More picture related to Dragon Age 2 Companion Approval Cheat


Dragon Age Inquisition Sit In Judgement Companion Approval Steams Play


Get 100 Approval With This Secret Lenders Cheat Sheet


Origins Easiest And Most Difficult Companion Approval Poll Results As

Keep companions still cannon ish with this multifaceted dialogue and approval system mod It does focus more on the romantic interest companions but mostly due to the setup of the existing dialogue As opposed to the friendship route Merrill and Sebastian Vael have the most noticeable personal growth Merrilll will accept her responsibility and past carelessness and will turn her pursuits to matters that help the elves with present issues instead of chasing the ghosts of the past

If you want to max them easily use the guides Here s the approval page for Fenris for example Take him on quests where he ll gain points and use the other characters pages to see who to bring on each quest so you can potentially knock out three birds with one stone I m wondering if there are any known console commands to adjust the levels so I can deal with this broody jerk and get something going with him PSN Travosaga Xbox tpc8386 kevindrosario12 13


Dragon Age Origins PC Cheat Codes Guide


Dragon Age 2 Companion Guide

Dragon Age 2 Companion Approval Cheat - A searchable list of all console commands from Dragon Age Origins on PC Included in this list is detailed documentation with help and examples from the latest version of the game on Steam and other platforms