Divinity Original Sin Mysterious Murders Walkthrough A Mysterious Murder is a main quest in Divinity Original Sin and Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition The player starts the game with this quest and it is the reason for the player character s arrival in Cyseal After Orc Fight on the Beach head towards Cyseal s gate to talk to Arhu to update your Journal Speak to Aureus at Legionnaire HQ for permission to investigate the scene of the
In case anyone has done the quests out of order and Thelyron Evelyn are missing from his house you can find Evelyns house at X 236 Y 110 located in one of the small buildings behind Thelyrons house Divinity Original Sin Wiki has all information on weapons armor signs creatures maps guides and walkthroughs Reward 8250 exp At the beginning of the game this is your only quest in the journal You need to solve the case of a mysterious murder but you first need to access the city attacked by the orcs In the underground on the right there is an optional tutorial Continue along your path and after several moments you will watch a cutscene in
Divinity Original Sin Mysterious Murders Walkthrough
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Divinity Original Sin Mysterious Murder Quest Walkthrough 2 Ways To Do It Divinity Original Sin is a single player and cooperative m STREAMING ON TWITCH TVhttp www twitch tv gamesglitchesCheck out My Site Always Improving https www ludumnexus Dont Forget to Check out the FORUMS Li
PumaPete shows you how to complete A Mysterious Murder in Divinity Original Sin We are aware of the black bar around the video and are currently doing our b You ll receive this quest at the start of the game Walkthrough From the introduction to the game you ll learn that a councilman named Jake was killed in Cyseal City and that sourcery might have been involved To investigate the murder you ll first need to head over to the harbor 1 where you ll be greeted by the wizard Arhu
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Open the door and descend the stairs At the bottom of the stairs you will find a small chamber with some bookcases and a sleeping pallet to rest your weary bones Continue to the east down the narrow walkway And speaking of bones at the bottom of the walkway you will find the skeleton of a dead dragon Look for the diamond near the skull of Walkthrough Story We have been sent to the city of Cyseal to investigate the murder of Councillor Jake The wizard Arhu will meet us in the city to elaborate on this sorry matter The wizard Arhu welcomed us to Cyseal Clearly there are many strange things going on in this town but the murder of Councillor Jake should remain our top
Welcome to our Divinity Original Sin walkthrough Simply click any of the links within the navigation bar to the right and you will be brought to the respective area Walkthrough A Mysterious Murder Scaredy Pact The Preacher of Earthly Delights The Quest for Braccus Rex A Shell on the Beach The Shipless Sailors Walkthrough After progressing through the beginning part of the A Mysterious Murder quest you will discover that Esmeralda who is the victim s wife is one of the possible suspects You then need to go to Esmeralda s shop to talk to her about the letter you found at the crime scene Esmeralda will argue that this does not prove her involvement
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Divinity Original Sin Mysterious Murder Quest Walkthrough 2 Ways To Do It YouTube
Divinity Original Sin Mysterious Murders Walkthrough - PumaPete shows you how to complete A Mysterious Murder in Divinity Original Sin We are aware of the black bar around the video and are currently doing our b