Dishonoured 2 Walkthrough Mission 3 Hop up and disable the wall of light and check out the office up there to grab the blueprint Disabling the wall will trigger the guard to start patrolling Use the chandeliers to stay above
The video walkthrough shows how to complete The Good Doctor mission featured in Dishonored 2 on Xbox One PlayStation 4 and PC Our full Dishonored 2 Let s Pl IGN s Guide to sneaking your way through Dishonored 2 in non lethally in Low Chaos earning achievements and trophies for Shadow Clean Hands and In Good Conscience Continuing in Mission 3
Dishonoured 2 Walkthrough Mission 3
Dishonoured 2 Walkthrough Mission 3
Dishonoured And Fear In Modernity The Clockwork Soldier And The Clockwork Life The Boar
Dishonoured 2 The Clockwork Mission 5 YouTube
Dishonored 2 PS4 Mission 3 The Good DoctorLow ChaosDifficulty MediumWalkthrough for the following trophies Clean Hands Complete the game without killin Wait for the guards located near the wall of light to go on a patrol and get rid of the enemy Collect a bone charm before leaving this place Eliminate the last guard in the same manner and collect the bone charm from the location shown on the above screenshot Afterwards start exploring the now clear lobby where you can find a number of
A complete Dishonored 2 walkthrough of Mission 3 The Good Doctor as Emily in low chaos This will get you your Ghostly achievement trophy for mission 3 The G Secrets Mission 3 Dishonored 2 Guide Below you can find a list of all of the secrets that can be found during the second mission as well as their descriptions and location The list includes hidden items such as bone charms runes paintings blueprints and audiographs
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Mission 3 The Good Doctor Major Choices Kill the Crown Killer or save them Collectibles Checklist 3 Paintings 2 Blueprints 6 Runes 5 Bonecharms 1 Shrine From here on out all but one level will have a single shrine Special Actions 1 Next Mission 3 Secrets Prev Mission 3 Get back on the Dreadful Wale Below you can find a list of special actions available during the second mission The list also includes some hints concerning their realization Action 1 Serum Action 2 Release the hounds Action 3 Abandoned Basement Action 4 Three Witnesses
Main Walkthrough Dishonored 2 features a campaign spanning nine core missions Below you ll find links for walkthroughs to each containing the locations of all collectibles A Long Day in Dunwall In the beggining of Mission 3 The Good Doctor you will find a Steel Monitor Safe and the combination required to unlock it Location Addermire Institute l
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Dishonoured 2 Walkthrough Mission 3 - Secrets Mission 3 Dishonored 2 Guide Below you can find a list of all of the secrets that can be found during the second mission as well as their descriptions and location The list includes hidden items such as bone charms runes paintings blueprints and audiographs