God Of War 3 Walkthrough Thor Statue

God Of War 3 Walkthrough Thor Statue Go into the cave directly ahead of you underneath the Thor statue for a chest To start to topple the statue climb onto the ledge on your right then turn to look at the statue

Help a brother out and spin the wheel to the right of the spirit to open the gates to Veithurgatd and the statue of Thor Row through the Veithurgard Pass to reach a small beach with This video shows the PS4 game God Of War The mission goal is called Hammer Fall and the objective is Destroy The Statue Of Thor This is a Favours Quest

God Of War 3 Walkthrough Thor Statue


God Of War 3 Walkthrough Thor Statue


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Take the boat back in the water where you ll find the beach where Thor s statue stands towards the left Dock here and kill all the enemies first so you can loot the Hacksilver Hammer Fall Destroy Thor s Statue God of War Side Quest Walkthrough No Commentary Walkthrough on PS5 Join Kratos and his son Atreus one last time befor

Cross the Veithurgard Pass until you reach the small lake of the region Thor s statue is found on a small island to the left while the region s mainland is found to the right This quest will have you demolish a statue of Thor Starting Location Head to Stone Falls on the Eastern side of the map Here is the location of the dock The quest giver a ghost is found at the top of the Stone Falls

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Once you reach the Path to the Mountain mission you will begin unlocking the optional side quests or Favours as the game calls them One such optional favour is Hammer Fall which involves destroying the statue of Thor Inside the main lake in Veithurgard row to the left and you can see the back of the statue of Thor Row over to the front side and beach your boat on the shore

To complete the favor for the spirit in Stone Falls you ll have to destroy that giant green statue of Thor on the island in the middle of Veithurgard s lake Once you land with the statues head exit through the doorway at the top left of the screen and glide across the next gap Jump to the ledge above and find yourself back where


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God Of War 3 Walkthrough Thor Statue - Row toward the west side and find the Statue of Thor 11 Dock at the back side of the statue and take out the Fire Draugr near the chest containing Hacksilver