Diamond Walkthrough Far Cry 2 In keeping with Far Cry Two s modus operandi the perilous journey across the massive African landscape will be a challenge and an adventure in itself
Index Diamond Locations Modified 24 8 2010 19 37 02 This section provides lists of descriptions on where to find the diamond briefcases in Far Cry 2 The information contained on these pages is the same as in the interactive maps it s just presented in a more traditional fashion here Click an area in the map below to see a list of The 1st Diamond Case There are four posssible places where the first case can spawn It is dependant on the direction the player walks out of Pala during the fight Slaughter House Fresh Fish Lumber and Cock Fights Note that only one of these four cases are spawned in the game Diamond Case Locations
Diamond Walkthrough Far Cry 2
Diamond Walkthrough Far Cry 2
Far Cry 2 Diamonds Maps Thinkkasap
Far Cry 2 Walkthrough GameSpot
Easy way to collect all diamonds in FarCry2 6 2 Award Favorite Share Created by Jesus Is My Friend Bird UP Diamond Cases The only relevant currency in Far Cry 2 are diamonds apparently raw diamonds These are used to buy new weapons from arms dealers in Weapon Shops since the weapons you find in the game rust quickly and jam These diamonds will allow you to purchase items necessary to pursue your ventures Far Cry 2 as outlined in this walkthrough will take at least 25 hours to complete and the game play
0 00 25 04 Far Cry 2 walkthrough part 1 Hardcore All diamonds All tapes No commentary FograinDaNoob 8 76K subscribers Subscribe 22K views 4 years ago farcry2 walkthrough B LEBOA SAKO NORTH See Map hold CTRL when clicking to permit new window Jackal Tape On the bench by the shacks Diamond Briefcases 1 By the big rock on the edge of the pond 2 On the
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You ll find general strategies for combat weapons and stealth tips a complete walk through of the story missions including alternate objectives a rundown of the optional arms dealer and Maps from the offical far cry 2 game guide showing all the diamond briefcase locations jackal s tapes and golden AK 47s HD Quality
Some are buddies some will become enemies later on and some die In this chapter I will list the most important characters in the game Note 1 MAJOR SPOILERS are revealed here If you have not finished the game yet it is advised that you skip this part Note 2 In Far Cry 2 choices are very important Major Slack s Far Cry 2 Review http majorslack new pc games far cry 2 review 1 About This Video Okay so I have s
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Diamond Walkthrough Far Cry 2 - These diamonds will allow you to purchase items necessary to pursue your ventures Far Cry 2 as outlined in this walkthrough will take at least 25 hours to complete and the game play