Lost Fountain Walkthrough Part 3

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Lost Fountain Walkthrough Part 3 The Lost Fountain Walkthrough Part 3 YouTube 0 00 8 03 The Lost Fountain Walkthrough Part 3 App Unwrapper 78 9K subscribers Subscribe 35K views 8 years ago This is a complete

1 Tap on the island ahead to dock your boat Then read the letter on the ground Pick up your journal from the boat the knife near the tree stump and the map inside the tree stump You can also watch my video for this part of the walkthrough 2 Use the knife to cut through the bushes Then head through and go up the stairs The Lost Fountain Walkthrough Part 3 February 8 2015 Adventure iPhone game point and click Puzzle Room Escape Walkthrough 8 Comments

Lost Fountain Walkthrough Part 3


Lost Fountain Walkthrough Part 3


The Lost Fountain Walkthrough Part 1 YouTube


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The Lost Fountain is a puzzle based adventure game In the beginning we see that the main character is searching for a long lost fountain that provides immortality which is mentioned by his The Lost Fountain Walkthrough Part 3 Gelisuwov Follow This is a complete walkthrough for the iOS and Android game The Lost Fountain by MediaCity Games r r See my step by step walkthrough here r r Download the game here Browse more videos Playing next 10 32 The Lost Fountain Walkthrough Part 4 Bibu 7 18 The Lost Fountain Walkthrough Part 1

3 Swim upwards surface out of the water and look for the mechanism behind you Activate it to raise the water level 4 Afterwards head back to the original chamber and swim towards the door to your left just across the room 5 Enter the door and turn right until you see the Mek enemies Act 4 The Axe Statue Puzzles The fort is found on the northern part of the map in Act 4 The fort puzzle consists of three rooms you ll need to jump across pillars in a specific order

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61 Go back to F7 and take the right bridge F14 Ignore the torches for now and continue to F15 Ignore these torches as well and place the golden medallion in the slot on the door to open it There s a trap in the next room F17 We ll have to come back later 62 Go back to E16 and tap on the book to get to E19 and then E20 The Lost Fountain Walkthrough 1 Tap on the island ahead to dock your boat Then read the letter on the ground Pick up your journal from the boat the knife near the tree stump and the map inside the tree stump You can also watch my video for this part of the walkthrough 2 Use the knife to cut through the bushes

Puzzle Solutions Lost Lands 8 features a well crafted story and a range of immersive locations to explore with many objects to find Along the way you will also encounter a range of puzzles to solve The rest of our guide will take you through every aspect of the game but if you are looking for a quick solution to the puzzles you can check the 0 00 21 37 The Lost Fountain Walkthrough Bengt G ransson 168 subscribers 27 4 7K views 2 years ago I tried to beat it as fast as I could to make the video as short as possible But I also


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The Lost Fountain Walkthrough Part 3 AppUnwrapper

Lost Fountain Walkthrough Part 3 - 3 Swim upwards surface out of the water and look for the mechanism behind you Activate it to raise the water level 4 Afterwards head back to the original chamber and swim towards the door to your left just across the room 5 Enter the door and turn right until you see the Mek enemies