Darksiders 3 Walkthrough Kill Abraxis Or Lord Of Hollows

Darksiders 3 Walkthrough Kill Abraxis Or Lord Of Hollows Agreeing to kill the Lord of Hollows will allow you to skip a fight with Abraxis and view a cutscene in which the demon reveals who his master is which you may have already guessed

Fight them both Once they are dead loot the body at the base of the building wall here for a Demonic Artifact Use the wind gusts here to fly up and into the building above Once inside move DARKSIDERS 3 Kill Abraxis or Lord of Hollows Choice Outcome Secret Ending Cutscene xTGE 31 5K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 5 6K 756K views 5 years ago If you enjoyed this video

Darksiders 3 Walkthrough Kill Abraxis Or Lord Of Hollows


Darksiders 3 Walkthrough Kill Abraxis Or Lord Of Hollows


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Darksiders III Spare or Kill Abraxis About halfway through The Scar after the area with a bunch of loose wooden scaffolding you ll be at a point where you need to take a tornado to cross GameRevolution Darksiders 3 Should I Kill Abraxis November 27 2018 By Michael Leri Darksiders 3 is an RPG of sorts and while it has many different ways to level up and upgrade

Phase 1 The Lord of the Hollows The Lord of the Hollows is a slow moving almost stationary boss but he has a large amount of health and several annoying abilities that make his fight trickier Abraxis is an optional boss located in The Scar that is locked in a disagreement with the Lord of the Hollows He is a large demon equipped with a pair of swords The fight takes place over

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Either choose to kill Abraxis or agree to kill the Lord of Hollows the choice is yours Abraxis Phase 1 100 51 Health Abraxis will start the match tossing his swords at Fury which can be easily dodged and arcane countered If players miss the perfect dodge they can simply follow up with about 3 slashes of Fury s whip Walkthrough IGN s Darksiders 3 strategy guide and Walkthrough will lead you through every step of Darksiders 3 with an emphasis on puzzle solving and combat tips In Darksiders 3 Fury is tasked

1 Does this game have a NG and if so what do you keep 2 I know Abraxis and the LoH are optional and I know that you have to spare the LoH for the item that changes the ending But what do Advertisement Keep heading straight and you ll reach a dead end Adjust your camera angle to locate where this ledge is Use your new flame jump ability to climb up the right ledge Head


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Darksiders 3 Walkthrough Kill Abraxis Or Lord Of Hollows - I killed abraxis and spared the lord of hollows in my last play through it changed a few tiny details but nothing major about the ending is the reverse the same way Omen of Woe Nope The details are basically the same across the board unless you specifically kill Abraxis and spare the Lord of the Hollows Reply reply