God Of War 3 Walkthrough Game Pressure This God of War 2018 game guide describes the long and challenging journey of God of War named Kratos and his son Atreus The latter accompanies and assists his father throughout most of the adventure By using the information in the guide you should be able to complete the main storyline without any problems discover all the secrets and complete God of War in 100
Sony Interactive Entertainment s Hiroki Totoki revealed that he wants to bet on multiplatform and improving the business function of PlayStation game development studios otherwise full of great motivation and creative minds PS5 might have won against Xbox Series X S but the giant is still not satisfied with the sales of their Walkthrough The darkness Walkthrough This stage is basically all about going up For the most time you will be following a trail of blood or a blue flame meeting various characters on your way Head towards the chalice Afterwards follow the red line pay a visit to your family and move on
God Of War 3 Walkthrough Game Pressure
God Of War 3 Walkthrough Game Pressure
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You will arrive at his shoulder on a small arena There s also a Cyclops Hit him a couple times and take control over him Once you do begin attacking the spot from which the monster appeared the cut arm Handful of tips Walkthrough godofwar3 Guide Handful of tips Walkthrough During the game you will come across many chests which regenerate your health and magic Do not open them if you don t need to it may turn out that you ll pass by them several more times and they might come in handy While using Apollo s Bow keep in mind that by
This way you ll end up in the Forge where you will meet Hephaestus He s friendly and won t want to fight you at least for now After the conversation before you move on turn left and approach the locked door Nearby there s a chest with a Gorgon Eye Now go to the savepoint and pull the lever next to it God of War Ascension Game Guide Walkthrough is also available in our Mobile App Game Guide Controls PlayStation 3 Chapter 1 Prison of the Damned The chase after Fury Fight with Hand of Hecatonchire Chapter 2 Sewer Walkthrough Chapter 3 The Guard House
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After the fight collect the chests hidden on both sides of the room On the left you will find experience and on the right a power up Now pull the lever to open the gate for Pandora As she gets inside you should get onto the switch above her and leave the labyrinth by going up For now you won t be able to get it out of the Flame so explore the area Use Helios Head at the naked walls surrounding the room RS This way you will unveil six paintings and summon the messenger of the gods once again Before you start the pursuit approach the place through which the Chain goes To the left from it there s a hidden room
At the beginning of the Path there s a save point and some chests with one of them hidden from the camera containing a Gorgon Eye You will enter the gardens Go pass the first terrace and approach the crank Move it jump onto the other platform and repeat the process once more
God Of War Walkthrough Part 3 YouTube
God Of War 3 Walkthrough Part 24 HD YouTube
God Of War 3 Walkthrough Game Pressure - God of War Ascension Game Guide Walkthrough is also available in our Mobile App Game Guide Controls PlayStation 3 Chapter 1 Prison of the Damned The chase after Fury Fight with Hand of Hecatonchire Chapter 2 Sewer Walkthrough Chapter 3 The Guard House