Dark Souls 3 Hollow Ending Walkthrough For this ending you need to find the Eyes of a Fire Keeper in Dark Firelink Shrine located in the hidden Untended Graves area beyond the Consumed King s Garden They are hidden behind an
Ending 1 To Link the First Flame To Link the First Flame is the easiest ending to obtain in Dark Souls III To get this ending simply reach the final boss the Soul of Cinder After The term Hollow has been around since the start of the franchise however it was not always a status condition nor having ending significance as it does in Dark Souls III Dark Souls In Dark Souls the term Hollow was used in gameplay to describe the Chosen Undead the player character when summoning was not available
Dark Souls 3 Hollow Ending Walkthrough
Dark Souls 3 Hollow Ending Walkthrough
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Twitter https twitter xDieNooB T Shirts https teespring Die NooB Support me on Patreon https www patreon DieNooB ty h Twitch http w To Link The First Flame Three of Dark Souls 3 s multiple endings all have multiple steps the player has to complete throughout the course of the story in order to activate Should a player fail to trigger the criteria for these three endings they ll still be able to unlock the game s standard finale To Link the First Flame
The first time you find Anri is near the first bone ball down from the Abyss Watcher s bonfire video link Talk to them here to have here relocate to outside of Hight Lord Wolnir s bossfight before crossing the bridge to the right 8 After killing High Lord Wolnir proceed to the Smouldering Lake Walkthrough By Brendan Graeber Shawn Saris Null 13 2k more updated Sep 6 2017 IGN s Dark Souls 3 complete strategy guide and walkthrough will lead you through every step of Dark Souls 3
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Praying Hollow Soldier Dark Souls Wiki FANDOM Powered By Wikia
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4 Return to Firelink Shrine and hand in the Firekeeper s Eyes to the Firekeeper 5 Play through the game and defeat the Soul of Cinder in the Kiln of the First Flame 6 Look beside the First gamers will need to find and defeat Oceiros the Consumed King To find him head back to where players encounter the Dancer of Boreal Valley and place the small basin she drops on the
Ending 3 The Usurpation of Fire This is the hardest Ending to acquire but it is also considered the true Ending You will need to complete several questlines mainly Yuria and Anri to get IGN shows you how to become the Lord of Hollows and unlock a secret ending by following several specific steps in Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls Hollow Stopsany
Dark Souls 3 How To Get The Best Ending Koenigsegg Blogger
Dark Souls 3 Hollow Ending Walkthrough - The Walkthrough for Dark Souls 3 will help you find the path or tips you need to get past that annoyingly hard part you just can t beat Please see Recommended Level by Location for proposed matchmaking ranges We also have Maps available to help with your progress