Epic Mickey 2 Walkthrough Part 6

Epic Mickey 2 Walkthrough Part 6 Part 6 of my Epic Mickey 2 The Power Of 2 Walkthrough In this video Mikey and Oswald help Small Pete repair the broken substation and then head to Angel C

Epic Mickey 2 The Power of Two Walkthrough Part 6 Mickey and Oswald navigate the treacherous Devil and Angel Caverns Welcome to the single player Walkthrough for the Disney Epic Mickey 2 The Power of Two main storyline This is the place to find tips on getting Mickey and Oswald through the Wasteland grabbing

Epic Mickey 2 Walkthrough Part 6


Epic Mickey 2 Walkthrough Part 6


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Schaufel Entlang K stlich Epic Mickey 2 Wii Walkthrough P nktlich Elevation Hervorheben

IGN s walkthrough of Disney s Epic Mickey 2 The Power of Two Hi and welcome to the walkthrough for Disney Epic Mickey 2 The Power of Two This walkthrough is intended specifically for players who want to obtain all the achievements for the xbox 360 version of the game To my knowledge there aren t differences between the x360 and PS3 versions of the game so it is also a valid walkthrough also for PS3

Thin the golden base of the telescope to create a path upward Spin Attack the pots receiving water for Paint Thinner refills Climb up the path Use Thinner on all of the brooms that are pouring water Use Thinner on the circular stained glass window to reveal a hidden Mickey constellation Watch this step by step Walkthrough Part 6 which may help and guide you through each and every level part of this game Thu 16 Apr 2015 03 51 48 Game Video Walkthroughs 3DS Watch this step by step walkthrough for Epic Mickey 2 The Power Of Two Wii which may help and guide you through each and every level part of this game

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Let your conscience be your guide or use an actual guide Epic Mickey 2 The Power of Two offers a return to Wasteland but it also offers plenty of side quests during your mission to save the Watch Epic Mickey 2 The Power of Two PS3 Wii X360 Walkthrough Part 6 WishingTikal on Dailymotion

Walkthrough Continued Mean Street South Feel free to disconnect player 2 s controller if you hadn t done so yet First of all Southeast you can speak with the Train Conductor to initiate the quest The Wasteland Limited 01 06 Doing this will also add the Watch Sketch item for sale at the Emporium necessary for this very quest Paint the vents to stop the steam There is a Golden Cloth floating on the left There is a Hidden Mickey on the wall Drag the generator to side of the gap use the Fairy Sketch on it and use


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Epic Mickey 2 Walkthrough Part 6 - Thin the golden base of the telescope to create a path upward Spin Attack the pots receiving water for Paint Thinner refills Climb up the path Use Thinner on all of the brooms that are pouring water Use Thinner on the circular stained glass window to reveal a hidden Mickey constellation