Celadon City Rocket Hideout Walkthrough

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Celadon City Rocket Hideout Walkthrough Walkthrough Rocket Hideout B1F B2F B3F B4F B1F Head south between the two columns of potted plants and examine the bottom right one to find a hidden PP Up Head back up and take out the

You need a key to get to the boss so do that first To get it follow the stairs down to the northwestern corner of the fourth basement level Beat the trainer there to get the Lift Key With the This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for Pok mon FireRed and LeafGreen These pages follow the remade Game Boy Advance iteration not Red and Blue The guide for those games can be found here Contents 1 Celadon City 1 1 Celadon Mansion 1 2 Celadon Department Store 1 2 1 2F Trainer s Market 1 2 2 3F TV Game Shop 1 2 3 4F Wiseman Gifts

Celadon City Rocket Hideout Walkthrough


Celadon City Rocket Hideout Walkthrough


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First Floor Rocket Hideout 1F Items PP Up hidden in the southeast plant among the plants directly south of the stairs entrance Escape Rope Hyper Potion Second Floor Rocket Hideout 2F Items Moon Stone TM12 Taunt X Speed Super Potion Third Floor Rocket Hideout 3F Items Nugget hidden 3F near the northwest corner in front of one of the machines The Team Rocket Hideout Japanese Team Rocket Hideout called Rocket Hideout in the Generation I and III games and also known as Rocket HQ in the Generation I Town Map is a four floored underground complex beneath the Rocket Game Corner in Celadon City

Quick Guide Exploring Celadon Goodie 1 Eevee Goodie 2 The Celadon Department Store Goodie 3 The Game Corner Coin Case Getting The Tea The Celadon City Gym Team Rocket Hideout Walkthrough Step by Step Giovanni Battle the Silph Scope Quick Guide Get the Tea from the elderly lady in the Celadon Mansion The Rocket Hideout is located beneath the Celadon City Game Corner and is one of the headquarters of Team Rocket in Kanto It contains numerous moving tile puzzles as well as Team Rocket grunts and items Game Anchors Let s Go Gen III Gen I Area Anchors B1F B2F B3F B4F B1F Trainers Team Rocket Grunt Golbat Battle Type Items Level

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Pokemon Let S Go Celadon City Team Rocket Hideout WalkthroughTo get your games cheaper and help support this channel at the same time please check out G2A us What will you get A certificate of course But there s a much better secret slumbering in this mansion Sneak into the building through the back door and you will get your hands on one of the

From StrategyWiki the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki Pok mon FireRed and LeafGreen Pok mon FireRed and LeafGreen Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough Pok dex Celadon City is the largest city in this game Its Pok Mart has six stories no wonder it needs an elevator This city holds lots of new experiences for you You can tackle Celadon City s Rocket Game Corner AKA the secret Team Rocket Hideout as soon as you reach Celadon City so before the Gym if you like but we recommend doing the


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Celadon City Rocket Hideout Walkthrough - Don t let him escape Team Rocket Hideout Take down the Rocket in front of the poster whose Pok mon stats are to the right Once he leaves to alert the other Rockets flip the switch to reveal a secret staircase leading to Team Rocket s underground hideout The key to reaching Giovanni s office is literally that a key