Alien Isolation Save Location

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Alien Isolation Save Location Alien Isolation save games can be found here game folder Profile Saves Steam C Program Files x86 Steam userdata user id 214490 CODEX C Users user name AppData Roaming Steam CODEX 214490 remote

These 8 figures tell me that it is your steam ID Inside each folder is one of your games from your library containing config files saves etc 214490 is the ID of Alien Isolation Save game location is in the following Steam userdata your user number 214490 remote

Alien Isolation Save Location


Alien Isolation Save Location


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Game supports 2 manual save files and will create an automatic permanent checkpoint save at the beginning of each chapter Loading a chapter save will automatically overwrite the manual save file On Linux the Steam Saves directory is a symlink into HOME steam debian installation userdata 214490 remote Find your steam game save location Probably C Program Files x86 Steam userdata 214490 remote Rename your xbox save file from xbox to CHSV00 ais and replace the steam file Hope this helps

Necroing this quite hard but a post on the Steam Community shows the save location is in the Steam Install directory They re here C Program Files x86 Steam userdata user number 214490 Just back up this entire folder The save file itself in the remote folder Change the C Program FIles x86 Steam to your Steam install directory Looking for the save game location for Alien Isolation We ve got you covered

More picture related to Alien Isolation Save Location


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Since Creative Assembly decided to be soooo creative to only make a one save game function and apparently only one file just genius SIMPLY genius where can this file be found I ve played the game about 80 through and my girlfriend REALLY wants to play too so what are our options here Some games may have their save files stored in a different folder These are some common locations where game saves might be found USERPROFILE Documents My Games

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