Wizard101 Celestia Walkthrough Part 1 This video covers the areas leading up to and including the Stellarium in the sixth world of the main storyline also known as the first world of the second arc of the story Also includes Lounging
October 15 2010 November 3 2023 misthead Wizard101 Main Quest Line Celestia Looking for a different part of this series Click here Questing through the higher worlds can be time consuming Especially if you re questing by yourself you can take ages to complete a world Please be sure to leave a like if you enjoyed the video Subscribe for more Follow me on Twitter EmmaSpiritcallFollow me on Twitch https www twitch tv espi
Wizard101 Celestia Walkthrough Part 1
Wizard101 Celestia Walkthrough Part 1
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This is the Guide to the Trial of the Spheres if you didnt notice the title The Trial of the Spheres is the last dungeon in Celestia Well here it is First room When you enter the quest arrow will show you into the room then it will tell you to go right This is the first puzle and the hardest if you dont know how to do it good thing OK what is up people today i am starting a new series Celestia
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The fifth in a series where I explain the stories of every world H O P E Y O U E N J O Y E DTwitch https www twitch tv kaiser noahDiscord https disco Celestia Key Quest from Haleston Balestrom Alright so after I finished Dragonspyre Ambrose I believe called me in and gave me the spiral key to Celestia Fast forward to me finishing the Sun Sanctum and they tell me to go talk to Haleston Balestrom so I do After I talk to him and get the urgent message from Ambrose notification I
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Wizard101 Celestia Walkthrough Part 1 - 25 Illustrated Guide to the Celestian Zodiac Tomes The Celestian Zodiac Tomes Want to learn more about the history of Celestia and get a reward from it If you re level 50 you can get the quest Press Pass from Deirdre Parker You ll find her in the Celestia Base camp right near Prospector Zeke