Witcher 3 Walkthrough Investigate All Remaining Leads In Velen Witcher 3 Investigate All Remaining Leads in Velen and Find the Baron s Wife Image Credit Josh 13 on YouTube You need to complete these four quests to get clues and finish the task of investigating all the remaining leads in Velen and find the Baron s wife Hunting A Witch Wandering In The Dark Ladies Of The Woods The Whispering Hillock
A solution to the problem of only having the objective Investigate all remaining leads in Velen Includes Time Attack Mode style walkthroughs of the quests Hunting A Witch Wandering in The Investigate all remaining leads in velen and find the baron s wife how the hell do i go the quest Last edited by kaaxmi Jan 10 2020 3 02pm The author of this topic has marked a post as the answer to their question Click here to jump to that post Originally posted by bgray9054
Witcher 3 Walkthrough Investigate All Remaining Leads In Velen
Witcher 3 Walkthrough Investigate All Remaining Leads In Velen
The Witcher 3 Investigate All Remaining Leads In Velen And Find Baron s Wife How To Update
Witcher 3 Ladies Of The Wood Greatesttaia
1 Understanding the Key Terms a Velen Velen is a region in the game The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt known for its war torn landscapes dense forests and hidden dangers b Baron The Baron is a prominent character in the game whose wife has mysteriously disappeared setting the stage for a captivating questline 2 Follow the Trail of Clues 1 Follow the baron Use your Witcher Senses to search the room Go with the baron to the top floor He ll unlock the door to his bedroom and his daughter s rooms so you can examine all of them He will wait outside
1 Answer Sorted by 80 Complete the quest Ladies of the Wood I finally found the Baron s wife it turns out the part about investigating all remaining leads refers to the leads about Ciri witcher thewitcher3wildhunt thewitcher3 gaming pc ps3 ps4 Family Matters investigate all remaining leads in velen and find the baron s Wife Quest
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Investigate All Remaining Leads In Velen And Find The Baron s Wife
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Come Indagare Su Tutte Le Piste Rimanenti In Velen Witcher 3 Gamingdeputy Italy
THE WITCHER 3 WILD HUNT GAME OF THE YEAR 2016 Investigate all remaining leads in Vellen and find the Barons wife To finish this mission you need to The Witcher 3 Family Matters Talisman location exploring Ciri s Room pellar s hut location and Family Matters remaining leads explained Our complete guide to finishing the Family
Investigate all leads to barons wife means you have to do the other of the two Velen quest lines which eventually converge into one after doing both of them It s called ladies of the wood and I think you have to do the Keira Metz quest first hunting a witch For that I think you need to go to midcopse Investigate all remaining leads in Velen and find the Baron s wife In order to progress this quest any further you ll need to complete Wandering in the Dark and Ladies of the Wood both story quests in Velen Completion of the Ladies of the Wood quest will update this task on Family Matters and tell you to return to Baron and speak with him
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Witcher 3 Family Matters Walkthrough Best Choice Investigate Explained Velen Walkthrough
Witcher 3 Walkthrough Investigate All Remaining Leads In Velen - 1 Answer Sorted by 80 Complete the quest Ladies of the Wood I finally found the Baron s wife it turns out the part about investigating all remaining leads refers to the leads about Ciri