Witcher 3 The Play S The Thing Walkthrough

Witcher 3 The Play S The Thing Walkthrough Act 1 The Play s the Thing Lines and Best Choices This is a guide to the quest titled The Play s the Thing from The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Read on for information on objectives and possible rewards what lines to say during the play as well as useful tips and strategies for completing the quest

The Witcher The Play s The Thing is a main quest in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt The quest starts after either Count Reuven s Treasure or Get Junior but both must complete to progress it as Geralt has to learn of both Dandelion and Dudu s predicaments Go to the Kingfisher Inn and talk to Priscilla When you get onto the more dramatic part of the Witcher 3 s main storyline in Novigrad Geralt has some unlikely tasks ahead The tasks involve getting a performing group up to speed which plays a part with some important characters later down the line

Witcher 3 The Play S The Thing Walkthrough


Witcher 3 The Play S The Thing Walkthrough


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The Play s The Thing Pt 1 The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Walkthrough Part 38 IGN

This page of the Witcher 3 Wild Hunt guide contains a walkthrough for The Play s The Thing story quest The solution below will help with preparations and shows whether choice of the actors affects the outcome of the quest Meeting Priscilla Drama preparations Finishing the quest The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Guide Navigation Onwards to A Poet Under Pressure walkthrough or back to The Witcher 3 Act One Novigrad walkthrough Back to The Witcher 3 guide and walkthrough If

Introduction The Play s the Thing is one of the main quests in Witcher 3 The general idea is that Geralt of Rivia will help Priscilla to write a play and perform it on stage with the assistance of a theatre group in order to lure Dudu a doppler out of hiding You will choose the title genre and the cast of the play The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Walkthrough The Play s The Thing Main Quest Guide Gameplay Let s Play includes the complete Witcher 3 Wild Hunt The Play s The Thing

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The Play s The Thing Witcher 3 Walkthrough And Guide


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Set the stage to lure out a shapeshifter The Play s the Thing is among the main quests in The Witcher 3 involving a dramatic play as a move to find Dudu hidden in Novigrad Geralt is searching The Plays The Thing is a M ain Quest in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Main Quests are the main storyline of the game that can have a major effect towards the endings Some of these quests may have dialogue choices that will alter the ending of the game The quest begins after either Get Junior or Count Reuven s Treasure although both must be

Walkthrough By Max Roberts Jack K Jon Ryan 35 8k more updated Dec 11 2022 The Witcher 3 complete strategy guide and walkthrough has guides for every step of the story including tips The Witcher 3 Walkthrough Part 36This video shows you how to complete the play s the thing quest


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Witcher 3 The Play s Thing YouTube

Witcher 3 The Play S The Thing Walkthrough - The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Guide Navigation Onwards to A Poet Under Pressure walkthrough or back to The Witcher 3 Act One Novigrad walkthrough Back to The Witcher 3 guide and walkthrough If