Witcher 3 High Stakes Walkthrough

Witcher 3 High Stakes Walkthrough High Stakes Complete Walkthrough Make way to Passiflora in Novigrad to talk to the scribe to sign up for the Gwent tournament The player must ensure their Gwent deck has enough unique

High Stakes Description Region s Gildorf district and Harborside district Novigrad Location s Passiflora Suggested Level 26 Reward s Accepted Sasha s offer 100 4 500 Defeat Bernard Tulle 25 Foltest The Steel Forged gwent card Defeat Sasha 50 Emhyr var Emreis The Relentless gwent card Defeat Finneas 50 Guide Maps Gwent High Stakes By Max Roberts Jack K Jon Ryan 35 8k more updated Nov 3 2016 advertisement Geralt will find many mentions of Count Tybalt s Gwent Tournament via the

Witcher 3 High Stakes Walkthrough


Witcher 3 High Stakes Walkthrough


Witcher 3 High Stakes Walkthrough UPDATED August 2023 Qnnit


The Witcher 3 Death March Part 41 High Stakes Gwent Tournament Gameplay Walkthrough YouTube

The Witcher 3 High Stakes Side Quest Walkthrough By Jesse Lennox and Quinton O Connor Updated Dec 11 2022 If you need some pointers on how to win this fittingly high stakes Witcher 3 tournament hopefully we re your mentors Quick Links Winning The Tournament The Cinnamon Scented Crown Stealer To Romance Or Not To Romance Round One Bernard Tulle Intermission Round Two Sasha Round Three Finneas The Champion Count Tybalt Thief Time To Get Spicy High Stakes is an optional quest in the Witcher 3 that can

High Stakes Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Quest Suggested level 26 Group Secondary Quests Location Novigrad To receive this quest read the invitation to participate in the tournament posted on one of the message boards in Novigrad Geralt is hardly an ace gambler The Witcher 3 High Stakes Side quest Secondary Quest You find this quest on noticeboards in Novigrad or the dude in the Passiflora at the back The Witche

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Count Tybalt Count Tybalt uses a Monsters deck which you can easily fight off with a Northern Realms or Nilfgaardian Empire deck The Witcher 3 To catch a Thief You only get access to the second part of High Stakes if you accept Sasha s offer partway through the tournament and win all of your matches Walkthrough To start off in this quest you ll need to visit the scribe in the Passiflora brothel 2 and tell him that you re interested in entering the gwent tournament He ll check your cards to make sure your deck is good enough and he ll accept your 1000 crown entry fee

High Stakes Back to Novigrad High Stakes is a secondary quest in Novigrad where you ll play Gwent for a large reward The entry fee is 1000 Crowns and you ll a strong deck before you ll be allowed to play Finish the other Gwent quests to get more cards before considering playing in this tournament High Stakes Edit High Stakes is one of the quests available in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt It involves a Gwent tournament held at the Passiflora and hosted by Count Tybalt Other contestants include Patrick Hazelnutt Bramble Fruntenstroch Tim Knott Harald Featherbuns Bernard Tulle Finneas and Sasha


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Witcher 3 High Stakes Walkthrough - High Stakes Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Quest Suggested level 26 Group Secondary Quests Location Novigrad To receive this quest read the invitation to participate in the tournament posted on one of the message boards in Novigrad Geralt is hardly an ace gambler