Witcher 3 Console Contract Well Walkthrough Updated Dec 3 2022 Don t be devil may care about Devil By The Well Learn how to ace one of The Witcher 3 s earliest contracts You won t spend a ton of time in White Orchard in The Witcher 3 This small quaint area is only the setting of the game s beginning before Geralt moves on to Velen
How to Unlock Contract Devil by the Well Pick up and read the Notice Contract Devil by the Well on the Notice Board at White Orchard You can also get this quest by talking to Oodlan directly or going to the location of the contract at noon Is Contract Devil by the Well Missable or Failable A video guide showing how to complete the contract Devil by the Well on The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt
Witcher 3 Console Contract Well Walkthrough
Witcher 3 Console Contract Well Walkthrough
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Walkthrough Following contains quest spoilers You ve been warned Ask Odolan about the contract Odolan can be found inside his house in western part of the village Odolan s house location marked on the map Find the spirit that haunts the well Abandone village should be marked on your map if you selected to track the quest The following walkthrough explains among others who assigns you with the Devil in the well contract how to investigate an abandoned village how to prepare for the fight with the noonwraith and how to win the fight with the mini boss Contract Devil by the Well Jump to the well to explore the underwater cave
Contract Devil By the Well Walkthrough Witcher 3 Wild Hunt By icyjon Last updated 9 November 2022 Along Geralt of Rivia s initial quest in finding Yennefer of Vengerberg he and his master Vesemir rides along the war torn village of White Orchard Contract Devil by the Well Quest Walkthrough Contract Patrol Gone Missing How to Get Pick up the Notice posted on the Notice Board at the Nilfgaardian Army Camp in the southeast corner of Velen Rewards This is the monster contract with the lowest recommended level where you can get a trophy with the bonus 5 Bonus experience from monsters
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CONNECT WITH US FACEBOOK https www facebook shacknewsTWITTER https twitter shacknewsINSTAGRAM http instagram shacknewsWatch us live at h The Witcher 3 Devil by the Well Guide Devil by the Well Story Explanation On the notice board in White Orchard you ll find the very first contract of The
The Witcher 3 Devil By The Well quest is found in the prologue area of White Orchard making it the first Witcher contract in the game you can accept To start this quest either head to the notice board at the White Orchard Inn or speak to Odolan in his hut Regardless of how you start it you will be informed that his daughter has fallen ill due to drinking toxic water from the nearby river We ve already posted most of the Contracts you can take on in the game in the regional sections of our comprehensive Witcher 3 walkthrough but if you want to simply tackle them one after
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Witcher 3 Console Contract Well Walkthrough - The following walkthrough explains among others who assigns you with the Devil in the well contract how to investigate an abandoned village how to prepare for the fight with the noonwraith and how to win the fight with the mini boss Contract Devil by the Well Jump to the well to explore the underwater cave